Last Sunday I attended a free concert in the festival of Baroque music in Marseille.
Suffice to say that this was an enchantment constantly renewed. Vivaldi I am ecstatic. His poetry makes me upset generous. Nothing can then alter the joy that I deliver.
the program, I could see again the magnificent Concerti per mandolin whose beauty seems reborn with each listen I give them.
It would be unfortunate indeed to remain focused on his profile too Four Seasons . Vivaldi's talent too easily surpasses the conventional framework to achieve its Concerti per flauto mandolin or per perfection indecent candor.
So here I invite you to discover one of his concerti per mandolin which reads below the three splendid movements.
1st movement from Concerto for Mandolin in C major:
2 ° movement from Concerto for Mandolin in C major:
Suffice to say that this was an enchantment constantly renewed. Vivaldi I am ecstatic. His poetry makes me upset generous. Nothing can then alter the joy that I deliver.
the program, I could see again the magnificent Concerti per mandolin whose beauty seems reborn with each listen I give them.
It would be unfortunate indeed to remain focused on his profile too Four Seasons . Vivaldi's talent too easily surpasses the conventional framework to achieve its Concerti per flauto mandolin or per perfection indecent candor.
So here I invite you to discover one of his concerti per mandolin which reads below the three splendid movements.
1st movement from Concerto for Mandolin in C major:
2 ° movement from Concerto for Mandolin in C major:
3 ° movement Mandolin Concerto in C major: