A little history is necessary if you want to understand the enthusiasm within me whenever I am in contact with electronic music of Schulze.
In 1988 I enrolled in Hypokhâgne at Lycée Thiers Marseille. I'm 18, and great dreams. This is the first year that I left home and it gives me the desire to escape. Except that Hypokhâgne (superscript), evasion is not really sought owing hard work which we submit in Literature, History, English, Italian, Latin, Philosophy. Very quickly, my results proved disastrous in all disciplines. I understand now that my modest Baccalaureate honors, achieved in June the same year in Avignon, is not enough to shine in this section prestigious manufacturer of the nation's elite. So far I mope, I enjoy the pleasures of Marseille. For me, the major event is the display where the FNAC record makes me dizzy by failing to make me succumb to a musical orgasm.
Picture Music, 1973
I must say that Klaus Schulze then lived a perfect stranger to me. The cover of Picture music sprang up to meet me the most intimate secret of my being. There was this framework, the portrait of a child, who addressed me subliminal waves connecting me with the most mysterious part of my sensibility: my relationship to childhood and all the spells it contains. An urge me did commit the irreparable: I bought the vinyl on the basis of a single image. But what a picture! I already am very interested in photography as I was practicing as an amateur. And the cover photo of this strange album like this picture perfect as I dreamed of taking since time immemorial. I was jealous that a photographer m'eût stole the idea. The disc of 1973, I was not ahead. My fantasy art had already been trampled by others long before me.
Listening to the disc completed to upgrade the spell triggered the jacket art. No music could better reflect the unspeakable presence that haunts the photograph.
I soon discovered in the bins of FNAC other discs Klaus Schulze weighing up my fingers, brushed with a constantly renewed appetite. My student Hypokhâgne results have not necessarily improved, but I was protected from my meeting with the magician electronic sounds. I could not listen to my first vinyl purchase because, in Marseille, I did not have to drive 33 Tours. It took advantage of a weekend when I was visiting my parents make me a cassette copy Picture music through hi-fi equipment from my father. Thus on my player, I could taste the sweetness and strangeness of this disc that met my best musical expectations.
When I went to Asda, bins Schulze became my rite of passage. The vinyls were marching under my fingers electrified. And during the 1988-1989 school year, I wasted the whole range Schulze FNAC. I realize now that I was the only buyer appetite for this artist this time in Marseilles. FNAC realized that vinyl Schulze went like hot cakes, prompting traders to regularly stocked his shelves. You tell me that I played in that history need the turkey pluck and pluck that left as many times he was a German composer of the new disc available in stores. All this is true, but as a buyer, not a disc I bought was a fascinating, unique, music directed to the intellect through the channel of the emotion. When arrived in June of that year, I had already obtained the following LPs Klaus Schulze of :
Picture Music / Blackdance / Timewind / Moondown / Bodylove / Dune / Digit / Trancefer / Dreams / Interface / Babel / En = trance
I buy more discs so as compulsive now, but the recent return to the news of Schulze occasionally reprints from all his work led me to get the CD version of Most of my records, which shows, if any, the madness that overtakes me when it comes to the king of electronic music.
Now, I invite you to discover these disks that still haunt me as much today. Everything that springs from this artist is spangled with gold, and so what if his excess of production (over a hundred disks) is accompanied by unavoidable waste: as stated Schulze himself: "Art n is not quantity but quality. "

Blackdance (1974)
(at continued ...)
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