A big thank you to viewers, affiliates, directors, actors, associations and partners who attended, supported and accompanied in their original form more than 200 films and 1000 sessions at Renoir in 2009. Hoping to see you again in 2010 ... more

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Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ciné Philo Bistro
Ciné Philo Bistro
6:30 p.m. Pub
"Why so much tolerance? "
with Vladimir Biaggi philosopher, and Renaud Garcia author of tolerance Why so? ed. Hazards. Tolerance? A writer who had also once said that humor was "homes for! . If we consider tolerance as a happy place may make more peaceful relations between people while promoting respect, listening and dialogue, several questions arise: should we tolerate everything?
Can we tolerate intolerance?
A reel of film is found, showing the extra-terrestrial life: the Zogs. These are in many ways similar to humans, except that the head and sexual organs are "wrong place". The assistance that discovers the film is exaggerated by the existence of beings as outrageous and calls for the extermination of the inhabitants of the planet Zog.
Buffet (PAF: 3 €)
9:00 p.m. FILM
Bruno Dumont
France, 2009, 1:45
With: Julie Sokolowski, Salim Yassine ...

International Critics' Prize and Audience Award Toronto Film Festival
"It's not a man whose j 'I need is God. "When She said that the young Yassin, who gently tries his move, because everything he suggests that the current passes between Hadewijch, daughter of uptown (Quai d'Anjou on the Ile Saint-Louis, Paris) and he vaguely called robber scooter.Hadewijchne Hadewijch more in the film: it's called Celine. Hadewijch is its mystical name, mail, or rather Hadewijch allegiance to Antwerp, from the twelfth century nun who sought God outside the convent in an ecstatic experience.

is a convent that has been renamed and Celine. But the convent, it does not for a second dress and where she still dressed in "civilian", the girl is quickly fired. Like any teenager would be intense heavy-chest, because his devotion is on the verge of caricature. Madwoman of God, like others of the same age and same pace, may drop mad Ian Curtis or Rimbaud. Returned to the city, where his father is a minister, it remains a love of Christ, whatever happens and whatever they do in summer in Paris that belongs to her, like Yassin. Which, without malice, invites him to go see her, or how, without transition, landed the crazy of God among religious fanatics.
Sweetness. In the back of a kebab, Nassir, the older brother of Yassin initiates youth of his city to Islam. On a sunny bench (mad scene from start to finish), a discussion will get very soft, listening listening, Hadewijch jihad. Stage Middle East (Lebanon), acting out, unshowable event in a Paris subway train. We remember when qu'Hadewijch is always followed slavishly, a small white dog curled, she calls the dog. It is a moment when the dog is less present in the image. Now the dog, it's her. Trot following a speech in which she hears nothing, she does not understand the issues one second, a piece that goes into his own confusion.

Without doubt, it must be pointed out here, it may be important, as Bruno Dumont is not a believer. But if the career Hadewijch already appears complicated, but in the eyes of some, this film is its most powerful (not a small point when one is already the author of the Life of Jesus, Flanders: movies indelible) . Yet it is a film refused to Cannes everywhere ... does not wanted, Venice was reluctant, but ultimately not. We see too that this discomfort: Dumont filmed beautifully and with great listening, a girl who is mistaken. And he knows she's wrong. And his staging refuses to judge. As it does not explain terrorism but imposes as a fact that is is everywhere, every day is in some places in the world. It was also seen on the block spectators informed discourse about God, the notion of justice, humiliation and annoyed the precaution of Dumont to film what are mere snapshots ideologically profitable.
But precisely Dumont films than that: the error. About a girl who does not see what purpose it serves when others are already seeing with precision what it can provide. Celine, like all mystical, seeks a path, but also a way to get lost, the road was good at her side, she saw nothing. The staging knew, but as with Bresson (Pickpocket than, the Devil probably), she said nothing. His cinema event is to make the experience of moving wherever dicey, in muddy (purity: a grim joke) without preserving distance, but without however join.

Ellipse. The balance he invented to get to film this mystic fury, it must be seen to be believed: a director who handles this point subtraction, the ellipse, the movie offers a fair dose unrepeatable, as before him for Ordet Dreyer or a young girl of the same surname, Celine Brisseau. Erectile unabated, the same desire to be possessed by the invisible (if anyone tells you the most erotic film of the year, we believe you?)
fury mystic was said, and it should, best for last, describe Hadewijch, or rather the miracle of an actress who wears it, Julie Sokolowski (first screen) curved in on itself, indecipherable, meaningless in a vacancy, bewildered, clueless over time, among other things: nothing distinguishes another pretty girl of 2009 otherwise, lurking in his polite and gentle in a quiet scary, this expectation of love that makes crazy different.
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009 7:00 p.m.
page white, black screen
A Creation Cinema Jean Renoir and the association and other similar,
on an idea by John Francis Szymanski, in partnership with the library-Clause,
the Youth and Culture Martigues,
Fage editions County Museum and the Museum (Gap).
dinner aperitif offered by and other similar

page white, black screen
A Creation Cinema Jean Renoir and the association and other similar,
on an idea by John Francis Szymanski, in partnership with the library-Clause,
the Youth and Culture Martigues,
Fage editions County Museum and the Museum (Gap).
directed by the photographer Brigitte Palaggi and
writer Olivier DOMERGIE
Laura Ballester DOMERGIE Olivier and Christophe Roque
with Brigitte Palaggi and Olivier DOMERGIE
directed by the photographer Brigitte Palaggi and
writer Olivier DOMERGIE
Laura Ballester DOMERGIE Olivier and Christophe Roque

with Brigitte Palaggi and Olivier DOMERGIE
"Created by a photographer and a contemporary poet, following a residency, this art exhibition proposes to enter the" other Alps ".
Ignoring the "sublime" and "grandiose" suspicious in their eyes too idealization; introducing distance and irony about the prevailing stereotypes, Brigitte Palaggi (photographer) and Olivier DOMERGIE (writer) decided to look at as out of scope. That is to say, what is senior executive, outside convention, in short, which falls under and demonstration: "the landscape every day," one of our trips and our respective lives. And, among other topics, in the mountains facing the right human and urban development, political speeches, poetry and applied to the tourist landscape. And also, for example, "transforming the world amusement park ! ...
Ignoring the "sublime" and "grandiose" suspicious in their eyes too idealization; introducing distance and irony about the prevailing stereotypes, Brigitte Palaggi (photographer) and Olivier DOMERGIE (writer) decided to look at as out of scope. That is to say, what is senior executive, outside convention, in short, which falls under and demonstration: "the landscape every day," one of our trips and our respective lives. And, among other topics, in the mountains facing the right human and urban development, political speeches, poetry and applied to the tourist landscape. And also, for example, "transforming the world amusement park ! ...

sensitive, modest, critical in its approach, but not limited to, the work of a rich, surprising many respects, is an original and compelling the question of the representation of landscape, whether or not Alpine. The exhibition will double readings, screenings and interventions images of both artists, who, at meetings, explaining their approach, do not hesitate to communicate with the public. "Didier
Vergnaud (The Blue Sky, 2009)
Vergnaud (The Blue Sky, 2009)
Le Chant du Champ Out
Link to:
Link to:
dinner aperitif offered by and other similar
film supported by ACID
Association of Independent Cinema for its Distribution
Association of Independent Cinema for its Distribution
Both films grow inappropriately eccentricity, to reinforce the viewer's thought patterns and thereby make cheap the benefit of an apparent audacity . Who has the courage and curiosity to see slight trembling of the landscape, film quality without a priori according to the canons of cinematic spectacle, a reward awaits him: that of having discovered another world, another way of doing Cinema, another curiosity about the world around us.
Philip Fernandez, who teaches contemporary art at the University of Bordeaux, in fact manages to take us with this film in a sort of exotic sweetness, in a open-mindedness towards the unknown, in a poetic science of world knowledge that must confess straight away that the words are a bit except to describe them, at least to make them feel.
Philip Fernandez, who teaches contemporary art at the University of Bordeaux, in fact manages to take us with this film in a sort of exotic sweetness, in a open-mindedness towards the unknown, in a poetic science of world knowledge that must confess straight away that the words are a bit except to describe them, at least to make them feel.

This occurs in any case well: somewhere no one knows how campaign, some modern buildings, around which some characters evolve without clear links with each other under eye and greedy player of two teenagers who discover the world.
These characters have no names but the passions, that isolate the world as it allows them to better study it, penetrate and pass. These "originals" are artists, scientists, inventors, devoted to their research alone.
These characters have no names but the passions, that isolate the world as it allows them to better study it, penetrate and pass. These "originals" are artists, scientists, inventors, devoted to their research alone.

Here is a painter whose technique involves a very physical mark on the place of his own body in space: meticulous preparation and ceremonial framework, recount her progressive trappings, its transformation own flesh in projected onto the canvas. Here a pilot on a rickety old car rally, the dream of "perfect path" remakes the same circuit indefinitely stopwatch in hand prints set in a small Dictaphone and seems to want this fierce determination to defy the perfect time. Here is a woman who studied in his laboratory morphogenesis, reconstructing the fascinating history of the forms taken by the bodies of the living world. As she observes, "there is not much interested in the current form."

One concern that however takes very seriously Philip Fernandez, with his very framing compounds his footage revealing the depth of the world around us, his rhymes color dominated by the contrast of the vital blue and white, way, funny and beautiful at the same time, to describe the infinite experimentation by which man probe the world around him. Curious about the mysteries of the universe and the desire for knowledge both spiritual and emotional man has with them, the film is for its own account in a microcosm original ruled by its own laws, leaving it to the viewer detect them, admire them, assign any meaning. The last clause is obviously random, as the path leading to it suffices in itself.
Jacques Mandelbaum ****************************
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For forty-five years (1964-2009), images of Hell have lost slumbered in limbo, Sleeping d'Arcy sleeping on the shelves of Film Archives TNC to kiss the resurrection affixed by two mouths Serge Bromberg and Ruxandra Medrea. Hell is aborted film by Henri-Georges Clouzot the obsessive jealousy. The husband repeats: "My dear, I am neither a fool nor a monster ...", his young wife was soon an object of delirium erotomaniac. He sees her everywhere, red and gold, deformed, blue lips, breasts offered in the arms of men and women in heat. Jealousy is the inability for man to solve the mystery of the enjoyment of women.

Hell, the movie and failure, like the perfect implementation of a pipe failure Men face of absolute feminine. Either side of a filmmaker Pygmalion ultra-authoritarian (The Wages of Fear, Diabolique ...) to the enormous popularity, which was domesticated Brigitte Bardot by administration quietly sleeping pills so that she collapsed during a plan. On the other, the former Sisi of Austria swoons in full splendor, 25, intelligent, obedient but also constantly displaying a strange smile of malice. "How do you pay eighteen weeks of filming Henri-Georges?" She asks one day seeing the perpetually irascible start testing poses, makeup, lighting swirling. Seeing the first images, the face of the star spangled gold, multiplied by thousands of kaleidoscopic vignettes, U.S. producers leave in Hollywood where they spend a phone call: "unlimited budget".

Illusion optics. For the entourage of the filmmaker, who testifies in the documentary and Medrea Bromberg, the real trouble began at this time, this green light given to the heating of the brain of a filmmaker who wants to sign a masterpiece work or anything. Clouzot is completely packed with art the contemporary kinetic Vasarely, Rickey, Soto ... It also commits both of these new artists of optical illusion (Joel Stein and Yvaral) to advise him for endless experiments in the studios of Boulogne. The most striking images of documents dating from the months of preproduction unusual: "We did not know what this mass testing would be used, remembers Stein, every evening, people found themselves in the rushes, and it was fascinated, amazed, or doubled up with laughter because it was completely missed ... "

A time, arrival time of the shooting, the three technical teams, players (including Serge Reggiani, who plays the psychotic husband) and the director, filled with visions on the edge of collapse retinal is transported in the Cantal, near a river dominated by the viaduct Garabit. It gives the viewer the pleasure of discovering what happens and then that will cost more than 5 million francs for 185 coils unusable and a Hell to smithereens.

Some failures are more flamboyant than all the successes. The documentary, which functions as a luxury items for a nonexistent film, is also investigating the creative act glamorous as beef, suspended moment between grace and anything. For Clouzot, the French Hitchcock, 56 years, this is a united front against the rising tide of young shoots from Cahiers du cinema: Chabrol, Rivette, Truffaut. The latter had thrashed in an article in 1957 with the publication of a book by Michel Cournot, the prime audience, portrait of the filmmaker during filming and story of the Spies "an abuse of power": "For three months, he will give his "genius" in concert and will be alone on his shoulders the weight of a film that goes adrift ... "In 1963, Godard has already Contempt and signed in May 1964, several months before the filming of Hell, Jacques Demy receives the Palme d'Or for The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

Tomb. Something of the tension between the old world and new plays with epilepsy is through frantic, brutal, arrogant film starts. It will be something left in the Prisoner, Clouzot's last completed film, the relationship between a gallery balefully SM (Laurent Terzieff) and a suburban exhilarated (Dany Carrel). The film is far from successful, but it ends with an outburst "kinetic" rather bold transplantation monstrous French psychological realism and the optical coitus Mario Bava.

As it is, hell is also a gleaming shrine to Romy Schneider, testimony of a period of carefree joy before the tragedies that overwhelm his life, before his early death at age 43 in 1982.
Didier Peron
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010 8:30 p.m.
Cinema Conference Hosted by Marc Rosmini
Philosopher Westernien
Cinema Conference Hosted by Marc Rosmini
Philosopher Westernien

1961: JFK is elected new president of the United States of America and the referendum on self-determination in Algeria has been accepted by the French people, Carl Gustav Jung, Celine and Ernest Hemingway died a few days apart, Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington recorded The Great Reunion, Brian Epstein becomes the "fifth Beatle", 1 François Truffaut's Jules and Jim realized; Gary Cooper bowed out in the world of the living while Peter Jackson opens his eyes toddler on it. Finally, this year released one of the greatest westerns in cinema history: The Magnificent Seven John Sturges.

Adapted another great masterpiece of Japanese cinema, Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa, released in 1954, narrates the film so the misadventures of a small Mexican farming village prey to the brutality of local mobster, Calvi, who plunders regularly to feed his henchmen. Tired of serving pantry, farmers rely on Chris Adams, enigmatic character with strong values and his companion in misfortune wine to end the abuses of Calvi. The two men then set up a small team of mercenaries with a big heart, all willing to help the Mexicans despite a meager pay.

course, you will probably find the perspective of the film rather naive now, at a time when this kind of topic has been eroded a million times in productions more or less happy. That would ignore two important points: first, the film starts in 1961 and at that time, the theme of the bandit with a big heart was not necessarily as often hackneyed today. The second lies in the fact that it is primarily the remake of a film dating from 1954 about him, what is more Japanese. The concepts of respect, honor, responsibility of the film then take their meaning in light of its origins. Just think of these as Gunmen samurai without difficulty to understand their motivations.

When Although these two reasons would not suffice to convince the most skeptical of the magnitude of such a film, it will suffice to mention the cast, probably the most prestigious of the time: Yul Brynner, masterful Ramses the Ten Commandments by Cecil B. DeMille five years earlier, young Steve McQueen first, before The Great Escape and the Bullit fabulous, and finally, the magnificent Charles Bronson in an early great roles of his career. As if all this were not enough, Elmer Bernstein's composition ensures that the famous film score.
We can only encourage those who have not seen this classic to rush in theaters this summer to discover the best possible conditions, because even if the DVD released by MGM is very well made, nothing will ever equal the atmosphere of a dark room. Those who have seen it already know they will not lose their time to see him again!
Cédric Le Men
We can only encourage those who have not seen this classic to rush in theaters this summer to discover the best possible conditions, because even if the DVD released by MGM is very well made, nothing will ever equal the atmosphere of a dark room. Those who have seen it already know they will not lose their time to see him again!
Cédric Le Men
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