Lead the world, submit all people, to kill the heroes, to frustrate a quest losing, casting spells overpowered the Gentiles, destroy hope. All are Nasties routines. We know them for the nightmares they made us do these seances where they planted voodoo needles on the dolls in their own image.
They have shaped our childhood, cartoon villains. But what would their perfumes?
The stepmother of Cinderella

Cruella d'Enfer

Oh la la ... It it made me really scared when I was little! This overdose of fur, shawls, this dual personality, personified by her hair. And those long cigarette lighter. Everything is in gestures, in the flow of words.
fur A perfume for a lady with gauntlets? Night Flight course! It also faceted, and in exactly the same elegance, this fragrance is that Cruella fur can never afford!

I do not know why, I can see with Boucheron. Yes, something hot, sticky. A little like tentacles. Then his blue-tinted makeup is reminiscent of the bottle. Ursula is impressive and it shows. He needs a scent to its height!

So many cold, majesty, beauty! Iris Silver Mist , it can not be him. It is intimidating, but so beautiful! Its wake can be frozen, earthy, powdery, but also woody, and rotates the eyes of other people, so damned embarrassed to perfection!
Karaba Witch

I see him wear Crossing the Bosphorus, the Artisan Parfumeur, which smells powdery and resemble those of the skin, sometimes offer the effects of smoke and fruit ... Captivating!

The Second Party is coming soon ( in the course of next week), with the theme, the flavors of the Wicked!
pending Happy Holidays!
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