Castle Au, 2 May 1996.
My tender Sander,
After a luncheon May 1, which lasted ten hours, I return with chills of love to you, my sweet.
[Why this name of fish, by analogy with Sander? Or hand me a "boom" is fine as my flesh]
J'officialise the explanation I gave you the pet name Sander. Beyond simply reducing your pretty name, I was referring to the gray cat by homophony that you collected in part, the capricious Ash. But I do denies nothing in your own contribution to exegesis: the sharpness of your flesh and excellent caves are well worth the succulence of the fish acanthopterygian. This simply writes ...
[Can not you send me a copy of you pretty?]
I try, whenever possible, you find a beautiful panoramic view of my geography ... Hoping you did not feel dizzy ... my Sander Necessary that j'me do some good as I have not received a parchment perch today.
[Know someone at some point x in my opinion is a bit simplistic. I prefer an overall view, Wide version.]
For not to grow the opacity of my past, I'll lend you the slice of life recorded in my Journal held since August 1991. You have me in the rough. You'll discover the mess copy on the sentimental and professional. Whether it be not far from me, because I'm not the same as in 1993 and 1994 ...
[Our "carnal fires" have they really need to be maintained?]
This conversation should not be considered as a duty but a pleasure. We tend to be the one to the other, my greed and sensual Sexual thee therefore entirely dedicated ...
I believe you fundamentally healthy and balanced when you're confident. I am under no concern for us in terms of the communion of body and mind. "Aristocrat in life, slut in my bed" looks like Heim ...
[Why do we say to Byzantium abundance of something?]
direct allusion to its power trading after its independence (358 BC.). It's as 330 AD. AD it is incorporated into the Roman Empire and was chosen as capital by the Emperor Constantine, where Constantinople.
You see I know how to keep wise.
you soon ... all my kisses on your body, all my kisses ... ************

[Why this name of fish, by analogy with Sander? Or hand me a "boom" is fine as my flesh]
J'officialise the explanation I gave you the pet name Sander. Beyond simply reducing your pretty name, I was referring to the gray cat by homophony that you collected in part, the capricious Ash. But I do denies nothing in your own contribution to exegesis: the sharpness of your flesh and excellent caves are well worth the succulence of the fish acanthopterygian. This simply writes ...
[Can not you send me a copy of you pretty?]
I try, whenever possible, you find a beautiful panoramic view of my geography ... Hoping you did not feel dizzy ... my Sander Necessary that j'me do some good as I have not received a parchment perch today.
[Know someone at some point x in my opinion is a bit simplistic. I prefer an overall view, Wide version.]
For not to grow the opacity of my past, I'll lend you the slice of life recorded in my Journal held since August 1991. You have me in the rough. You'll discover the mess copy on the sentimental and professional. Whether it be not far from me, because I'm not the same as in 1993 and 1994 ...
[Our "carnal fires" have they really need to be maintained?]
This conversation should not be considered as a duty but a pleasure. We tend to be the one to the other, my greed and sensual Sexual thee therefore entirely dedicated ...
I believe you fundamentally healthy and balanced when you're confident. I am under no concern for us in terms of the communion of body and mind. "Aristocrat in life, slut in my bed" looks like Heim ...
[Why do we say to Byzantium abundance of something?]
direct allusion to its power trading after its independence (358 BC.). It's as 330 AD. AD it is incorporated into the Roman Empire and was chosen as capital by the Emperor Constantine, where Constantinople.
You see I know how to keep wise.
you soon ... all my kisses on your body, all my kisses ... ************
Friday, May 3
0:53. I just left my Sander. Our report is a delight: gentle, complicity ... It is very harsh on her and her physical appearance. Even ...
Not very inspired tonight ... Sunday, May 5
I take back my praise to Sander. I got more than fifty letters since mid-January, and my meeting with Sander confirmed my liking for her. A thin face and statuesque, a bit harsh, a body of teenager sweet, intoxicating and soul of a princess. I returned to see her next Thursday. I got on my suggestion, two tapes of his voice, which enables me to sleep with her ... I hope to learn to love properly and not give in to my usual procrastination.
Lounge Limoges has excellently conducted. Madeleine still as loving and caring, Julie S., the interpreter of his poems, as an accomplice.
Several interesting contacts: Gonzague Saint-Bris at a luncheon at the Red Ox , journalist and reporter Jacques Derogy presented by Madeleine, big smiles Eve Ruggieri and many others less known.
In Limoges-Paris train, Longo Louise woman with a tragic destiny, sits in front of me. Despite losing in 1994 her former husband and her daughter eight years at sea, she keeps admirable faith in life. We exchanged our contact details after two hours of conversation in all directions. I feel moved to tears when I told her about the intensity of the love letters that I have with Sander. Catalyze its own memories emotions. After Jacqueline Kelen, meet under the same conditions, the Paris-Limoges train me luck.
News, pack not really. Nothing deserves a vitriolic verve. ************
May 6, 1996.
The result of my wanderings my tender Sander. [Joint Journal ]
Forgot to tell you that you could write on these pages all the comments, annotations, questions and thoughts (and emotions) that pass through your fertile mind.
you soon my love Sander.
************ From the NL, the 13/05/1996. My
Already the lack of heavy me your silhouette.
soon landed at the Gare de Lyon, I spun at the National, and I am looking for localities Rhone may require the exhumation of a book about their history.
We will resume our rhythms each after three days (four nights) of a wonderful sweetness.
Thanks to you what you are. Of warm thoughts and sweet kisses. ************
Paris, May 14, 1996.
[Postcard: photo by Auguste Renoir at his home in Cagnes-sur-Mer, 1915.]
Love Sander,
Renoir as umbilical cord of our bright sensual figures. It would have taken seize these saliencies fusional to draw a horizon as carnal.
The beauty and freshness to be loving, this is what bow to thee.
Older George Michael rocks my pen. Your
suitor. ************
May 14, 1996.
[Postcard: Photo of Louis-Ferdinand Celine Meudon, 1955.]
For you my dear Sander,
Darkly Destouches doctor and a lovely kitty poses in full.
Before resuming my train bound for coral Laon, the echoes of your message by touching my three ossicles still thrilled, I am sending you my most determined feelings of love and kisses of the most buzzed the most voracious. ************
Somewhere in a train, 14 May 1996. My
more quiet, I can fill these little tiles that you are as dedicated as open pores to help you breathe.
Above all, the music news: Album last batch of George Michael, Older is fabulous creativity that emerges, the deep harmony of melodies, almost mystical tone of his voice, all this inspires at the highest point. If a hint of desire t'effleure, can I send a tape recording. We will have the same music to lull us.
Read your mail that had happened to me before my departure. I hope that after this short break enchanter your fears will be allayed.
As always, your curiosity all-out compelled me (heh heh) to camp the role of the informant. My pen is just press the tip to drain the black, but I'm starting.
A myriad of things we have left to do when I get back in your Lugdunum I like to sunnier, even if we burn inside: a blue sky has never overshadow the liveliness of love.

0:53. I just left my Sander. Our report is a delight: gentle, complicity ... It is very harsh on her and her physical appearance. Even ...
Not very inspired tonight ... Sunday, May 5
I take back my praise to Sander. I got more than fifty letters since mid-January, and my meeting with Sander confirmed my liking for her. A thin face and statuesque, a bit harsh, a body of teenager sweet, intoxicating and soul of a princess. I returned to see her next Thursday. I got on my suggestion, two tapes of his voice, which enables me to sleep with her ... I hope to learn to love properly and not give in to my usual procrastination.
Lounge Limoges has excellently conducted. Madeleine still as loving and caring, Julie S., the interpreter of his poems, as an accomplice.
Several interesting contacts: Gonzague Saint-Bris at a luncheon at the Red Ox , journalist and reporter Jacques Derogy presented by Madeleine, big smiles Eve Ruggieri and many others less known.
In Limoges-Paris train, Longo Louise woman with a tragic destiny, sits in front of me. Despite losing in 1994 her former husband and her daughter eight years at sea, she keeps admirable faith in life. We exchanged our contact details after two hours of conversation in all directions. I feel moved to tears when I told her about the intensity of the love letters that I have with Sander. Catalyze its own memories emotions. After Jacqueline Kelen, meet under the same conditions, the Paris-Limoges train me luck.
News, pack not really. Nothing deserves a vitriolic verve. ************
May 6, 1996.
The result of my wanderings my tender Sander. [Joint Journal ]
Forgot to tell you that you could write on these pages all the comments, annotations, questions and thoughts (and emotions) that pass through your fertile mind.
you soon my love Sander.
************ From the NL, the 13/05/1996. My
Already the lack of heavy me your silhouette.
soon landed at the Gare de Lyon, I spun at the National, and I am looking for localities Rhone may require the exhumation of a book about their history.
We will resume our rhythms each after three days (four nights) of a wonderful sweetness.
Thanks to you what you are. Of warm thoughts and sweet kisses. ************
Paris, May 14, 1996.
[Postcard: photo by Auguste Renoir at his home in Cagnes-sur-Mer, 1915.]
Love Sander,
Renoir as umbilical cord of our bright sensual figures. It would have taken seize these saliencies fusional to draw a horizon as carnal.
The beauty and freshness to be loving, this is what bow to thee.
Older George Michael rocks my pen. Your
suitor. ************
May 14, 1996.
[Postcard: Photo of Louis-Ferdinand Celine Meudon, 1955.]
For you my dear Sander,
Darkly Destouches doctor and a lovely kitty poses in full.
Before resuming my train bound for coral Laon, the echoes of your message by touching my three ossicles still thrilled, I am sending you my most determined feelings of love and kisses of the most buzzed the most voracious. ************
Somewhere in a train, 14 May 1996. My
more quiet, I can fill these little tiles that you are as dedicated as open pores to help you breathe.
Above all, the music news: Album last batch of George Michael, Older is fabulous creativity that emerges, the deep harmony of melodies, almost mystical tone of his voice, all this inspires at the highest point. If a hint of desire t'effleure, can I send a tape recording. We will have the same music to lull us.

As always, your curiosity all-out compelled me (heh heh) to camp the role of the informant. My pen is just press the tip to drain the black, but I'm starting.
A myriad of things we have left to do when I get back in your Lugdunum I like to sunnier, even if we burn inside: a blue sky has never overshadow the liveliness of love.
Strolling in the Musée Saint-Pierre in search of some of your memories, all good snacks nestled on the corner of the Orangery, oxygenate greenhouse emissions ... small picture of what we meet soon.
[Would you like to see me with my lenses, or that it did not matter much ... in your eyes?]
course I would prefer your eyes unhindered bare. I have not had this privilege, except in our communions assets. Their reserve port, if you do not endure for long periods, when we go out, your charm will grow. But you're so adorable with your discrete round ...
[You have not heard from Alice? How old is she today?]
I have no definite news lady Leborgne since late 1994, and I'm not complaining at all. I just know it resumed contact in recent months with his mother Line. This is not indicative of any change of attitude. She can go to hell, I'm down with the gonads. I made my burning of his memory. She had turned 31 in January 1996.
[I'd like to see what it looks like your room, you know my familiar surroundings, not me.]
I do not know if the pied-à-terre in Paris is worth a detour to find some traces of my personality. This functional large closet is not mine for decoration and furnishing, and I did let the bare minimum. Most of my business is still in boxes at the castle. Pending to be more firmly established. Helen T.
, my landlady, has no objection to what I welcomes you, even if it is present. Would you
m'expliciter points on which the boys do you not understand? And why am I me those keys? The progression of our relationship is she to your taste? Where too hasty?
[The tape of the shower fun and thee " then something else, "what is it? It made you want from me? Just a little water is enough?]
scene (hearing) of the shower because I was allowed to spend a great time off with a substitute for your presence.
[We will need a car there, to wander?]
For our trip to the island of Ré, I think it would be preferable to have a vehicle for our travel amenities. [...] That
all the questions in your last letter received in Paris. The moments we shared are intensely survivors my fibers. I foretells many pleasures to come, and the inexorable approximation. This correspondence
tempers our spatial separation and enriches our mutual discovery across inaccessible.
I'll blow my kisses fruitier travelers. Tenderly yours. ************
Chateau Au. May 17, 1996. My
[Would you like to see me with my lenses, or that it did not matter much ... in your eyes?]
course I would prefer your eyes unhindered bare. I have not had this privilege, except in our communions assets. Their reserve port, if you do not endure for long periods, when we go out, your charm will grow. But you're so adorable with your discrete round ...
[You have not heard from Alice? How old is she today?]
I have no definite news lady Leborgne since late 1994, and I'm not complaining at all. I just know it resumed contact in recent months with his mother Line. This is not indicative of any change of attitude. She can go to hell, I'm down with the gonads. I made my burning of his memory. She had turned 31 in January 1996.
[I'd like to see what it looks like your room, you know my familiar surroundings, not me.]
I do not know if the pied-à-terre in Paris is worth a detour to find some traces of my personality. This functional large closet is not mine for decoration and furnishing, and I did let the bare minimum. Most of my business is still in boxes at the castle. Pending to be more firmly established. Helen T.
, my landlady, has no objection to what I welcomes you, even if it is present. Would you
m'expliciter points on which the boys do you not understand? And why am I me those keys? The progression of our relationship is she to your taste? Where too hasty?
[The tape of the shower fun and thee " then something else, "what is it? It made you want from me? Just a little water is enough?]
scene (hearing) of the shower because I was allowed to spend a great time off with a substitute for your presence.
[We will need a car there, to wander?]
For our trip to the island of Ré, I think it would be preferable to have a vehicle for our travel amenities. [...] That
all the questions in your last letter received in Paris. The moments we shared are intensely survivors my fibers. I foretells many pleasures to come, and the inexorable approximation. This correspondence
tempers our spatial separation and enriches our mutual discovery across inaccessible.
I'll blow my kisses fruitier travelers. Tenderly yours. ************
Chateau Au. May 17, 1996. My
very touched by your card to the poppy. I love you my baby, and nothing negative
should germinate in you. I am also here to help in difficult moments, even if my reaction dramatizes too hot.
point shadow for me, just the desire that your fight succeeds.
I go back to your earlier letters always, to my delight, peppered with questions.
[I did not mention the details of my stepmother mother again.]
I would, indeed, aware of these problems: that you reveal to me in the hollow of the ear or on a page.
[I hope, in future, become as nasty as you want.]
I do not doubt of your ability to knavery. Maybe it's me who wants too much at once ... I would try take your own pace.
[Mad asked if I meant you not too upset to see it? I do not think so.]
course I was very happy to meet your mad. I understand your deep attachment to her and the loyalty that binds you.
[Do you find chivalrous to let me go home alone this summer?]
This is indeed not very elegant to leave you for the return of the island in Lyon ... We'll talk. Perhaps it would be more practical than I resume a train from your home ...
[Will we see every month for this couple of years ? Rigid structure in your mind? How can I curb my ardor towards you, tender demon?]
The frequency of our interviews is essential for me to balance. This, unfortunately, is not simply our desires, otherwise I will always be filled (in any property, honor) at home.
I send you, as you could see thee, an assortment of pictures ... large were taken by Madeleine Chapsal when we visited the castle Reynou (see my Journal ).
[For what will you replace your caving sessions. night? (Laughter)]
The cave. my body missing, in fact, but I often think back to the movements of your delicious major ... An intoxicating dance.
[Do you think I can wear my hood black for the wedding?]
That you're gonna be nice with ... If in addition you had a little cape for women (in beige) ... it would be a delusion.
[What do you have as fruit trees in your orchard? Do you have a garden?]
Many fruit trees we have planted every tree will give a different species of apples, pears, apricots, plums, cherries, plums, etc.. The future looks fruity.
We have a vegetable garden ... with lots of things ...
[I tender received your card. A new sweetness.]
For the wedding card, this is obviously not a coincidence ... Nothing is left to chance my Sander ...
I did not understand what kind of virginity thou hast done this. Could you enlighten me?
I love you, and not to laugh! Caresses and kisses. ************
Sunday, May 19 The last weekend with my Pike (Thursday evening to Monday morning) was divinely place. A time of toilets in Lyon, but an illumination to live with it.
the days passed, more like this young woman. It is basically all what I expected for a symbiosis sentimental sweetness and sparkle, wit and sensuality ... I believe we are well underway to build our future together.
Forgot to indicate the kind of Madeleine Chapsal that invites us, Sander and me to come this summer at his home in the Isle de Re. We should run a week after the marriage of Mr. Nadette 13 and 14 July.
Heim told me the introduction and contacts to take a huge work in seven volumes, from the late nineteenth century, on the Cher of the famous Buhot Kersers. We should also launch a monthly magazine in September called unusual story, shot between 10 000 and 30 000 copies and distributed by NMPP. I will be responsible for legal matters, contacts with the presenter, institutional demand for advertising and editorial articles.
My correspondence with my love Sander does not dry up. Fabulous testimony to the intensity of our relationship despite the geographical separation.
It comes at the end of next week for the weekend of Pentecost. At Lutece both for better and for the sublime.
Nothing exciting in the media and their selection for the news. A report sclerosis monomaniac tendency of Canal +, in particular in emissions in light of midday and evening. It becomes more and more a string of service Pote system : prémâchés anathema to some, systematic appeasement towards others, intrinsic cronyism. ************
Train Laon-Paris, 20/05/1996. My
Sander I love
Do not skimp, as time goes my commitment to you is growing. My week is going to move towards this Friday 11:05 p.m. to the Gare de Lyon in Paris.
complicity that we have to share is unbounded. I hope you do not hold me rigor of the smallness of nest to sleep and its aspect is not as impeccable as your adorable apartment.
role reversed, it's me that you get and I will try, if time permits, you uncover the charms of the capital. When was your last visit to Paris, and toward what are your preferences for this weekend?
you soon my sweet. ************
May 21, 1996. My
Sander awaited
Just before my nab Tchou-Tchou I'll scribble a few words.
Moving, increasingly, your letters, I discovered with an increased appetite.
The tradition is not lost, I layer on my wanderings epistolary your inextinguishable questions.
[I was wrong last night, I took a sleeping pill to sleep, did you sleep yourself?]
After our conversation about your medical worries, I was not very serene, I must admit, but my sleep was not disturbed, because our struggle will unite us even more.
[Have you finished reading your big block?]
I have not completed Renoir, having left Paris in my nest. Helen T. My landlady, who became interested in painting, loved it. I taste it in small touches of color, this beautiful book.
[Have you made good progress your memory?]
I started writing the second part, and I hope to have completed this draft editorial in late June. I am also taken by the launch of a monthly unusual history, which I will talk to you.
[Have you found some treasures to be extracted from past Lugdunum?]
Nothing yet sought Lugdunum on your ...
[Did you read my book, remember?]
What do you refer? Am I already in neuronal liquefaction?
[You have ideas for Mother's Day?]
Not at all. To my mom the best gift she would find a job ...
[You have "massacred" buffers attached to the stamps, it has more value (smile). That's okay, it's nice to have them sent to me.]
Sorry for the stamps, I'm a bit of unbalance in the paws cut ...
[Thanks for your two cards even though I prefer, you worry doubts, that of Renoir.]
Céline is therefore not in your heart? What has he done?
[you imagine me in asking for a muse inspired brush?]
course you would not a good model for Rubens, but others appreciate the creepers feline.
[You fattened cats as much as your photo? (Laughter)]
Our cats are rushing around and do not s'empâtent ...
Sorry my sweet, at 17:30 I find my train.
Tenderly yours. ************
Au, May 22, 1996. Sander
my radiant
I resume my survey yesterday in abeyance.
[Why are you the keys? Because it's you, it's silly, but it is fair. You're not sharp, but spirited, big difference. You have touched my spirit, my soul, before stroking my curves. You do not privileged at the expense of one another. That's the key: the communion is complete, within a whole, and nothing is "cut". There is not the selfish side, without listening, and there is a natural extension between privacy and that of the city. You do me no obvious interest in a bed. It is a true sharing, exchange, and not something "fun." I admire the way you want to lead your people towards a goal, the way you write. You have the ability to disturb me that much do not. You're right. Your word has value to me, while many cohere in a yes or no. That's what impetuous romance, this spirit of love, what care you have of me, which form a whole. You do not force me into anything. Transparency and openness in our discussions, our words. The lightness of your touch. You do not hide, your feelings are real, and are not an excuse to abuse me. Do not cheat. These are all things that cause I love you greatly. I can tell you precisely why I feel that it's you that I waited so long ... You are the "concentrated" My dream since childhood. I sense a noble soul in thee my Loïc. This Grail ... You embody the spirit of chivalry.]
Your portrait of me is infinitely touching. I hope to demonstrate in the coming years it is justified. You become my essential Sander, you rest my soul and my senses quicken. To monitor
always be aware of his own mediocrity latent, watching the fading for a tad of a sudden life-saving, start: these are our duties. Love, such is my pleasure.
[The format of photos is not common, but it's good. It is at your image. I'll give them Friday, okay?]
Photos are for you my Sander. I ask Madeleine Chapsal new prints of panoramic views. I have a great picture of me (taken by Kate) where I throne, as a privateer, a white shirt in the wind, before a ship ... Euro-Disney. Stop megalomaniac!
[You do not want us to make pictures? Instead of having pictures of each other, have a picture of us. I prefer black and white portraits: the timeless. Here's me going too fast? (Smiles)]
I'd love to be on your side forever black and white ... I have a friend photographer who could take us. Otherwise, have you the idea of another person may be charged for that task?
[The next weekend I think the cave will be difficult to achieve, right? (Laughter)]
The cave home is something quite possible if you agree to abide by the law of silence ... Help explode stirs even more pleasure from the depths. Just to think, Sander I my saliva.
This summer, apart from our trip to the island of Ré, I do not know if I could take another week. This will be rather long weekends. In August we could go see my grandmother together.
that, I am sending you a myriad of sweet kisses. ************
May 23, 1996.
twirling (warning, not figuratively!) Sander adored The
will you, do not you'll have before you left? Only the Good and the ptt know. I'll stick to the timelessness of my feelings for you.
This morning I received your letter dated May 20 which nest "whispered ecstasies." You become a divine poet in your mail my Sander ... Always
also abundant questions I am always ready to respond. Forward, pen!
[Have you tasted the little hearts, thinking of me?]
I ate, yes I admit, a few small hearts to yours, thinking that beats with such elegance ... I'm doing here Cabrel 'Scuse!
[Next Friday, I think putting a black suit with my stilettos. I will leave it up to a vice PJ Besides, do you love it?]
Your arrival m'al'air held my faith very appetizing ... I promise to wait for our arrival at the nest before they taste it. The
PJ as you say ... bof, not really in my obsessions. You wear very well sticking with your body girl ...
[What (s) type (s) sport (s) do you watch on TV?]
Not really addicted to the sport on TV ... When this happens it will be more tennis, Formula 1, boxing and sometimes as you read my diary (test of attention!).
[What was the result of your visit to the optometrist?]
Result for me: stable situation, slight changes to the lens and left in disrepair for the right ... Therefore stable, but global change necessary.
[What do you say about our arrangements for meeting?]
For my family, I am telling the truth the first time in 1992, then resumed contact in 1996. For acquaintances I do not speak ...
[You know you're even cuter when you tousled hair?]
I did not know that my charm intensified with the bazaar of my hair ... But yes, I Sander, I décoiffer savagely for you ... in private, hey hey!
[Have you thought about the changes "aquariales? I am constantly touched by the desire to you. Gagging there still secrets for you, dear angel?]
For our small variations in the alcove, we improvise ... Will combine our talents to the hair ... As for the gagging, er ... we'll see if you do not know hold you (hey!).
[This ice cream is delicious pear ... Loïc and glossy like?]
Glossy, Loïc the irresistible tendency to become cream fondue ... especially hot for you.
[For the wedding, would you like my hair free, or as attached to the gala? Genre sophisticated chignon?]
I prefer your hair to the wind, my sweet, unless required by the holding sophistication ... I
queue at the table ... I kiss you and I love you my enchanting ... ************
May 24, 1996, 16:30. My
In a few hours we will meet together, but when you read this chart, our sweet and good times spent together will be a memory.
To be even close to you on your return, my tenderest thoughts. ************
Tuesday, May 29
Weekend of Pentecost with my love Sander. One time the toilet, but a total symbiosis between us and a promising sensual fulfillment. At Lutece, we visited museums including d'Orsay and the Louvre. The launch of
Buhot Kersers of the Cher is preparing ... We must put the turbos.
storms the castle, I finish writing the second part of my memory ... I am confident in my defense ... Received a card today
adorable Sander and a letter from my former French teacher (fourth and third), Jean R., now retired in a small town in the Haute-Marne (Doulaincourt) obviously I hit resume contact with him. In the show
state of emergency Cavada, devoted to football and money, a player's portrait Cantona and a synthesis of his career. Endearing and full of relief. A tribute that has nothing to fuck the world Baball. ************
Au, May 29, 1996.
Dear Sir,
very touched by your response, and delighted that you have retired to the beautiful regions of Haute-Marne and the Franche-Comte. This Haute-Marne has my full attention to the third quarter of 1995 as part of my editorial activities. Indeed, we have unearthed the magnificent work of Emile Jolibois (copies of the cover, and the fourth passage dealing with your municipality) preface for the occasion by the President for the Archaeological Society of Langres. This magnificent dictionary of Commons nearly 550 pages dating from the mid nineteenth century, and it was high time we give it a new life.
Yes, I admit, you're the only teacher with whom I wanted to reconnect. The memory of your teaching, the covenant you made between a curiosity in all directions and just severity, and especially the encouragement you gave me for writing forged this you need to pay homage.
I am also attaching to this letter of introduction and detailed plan of my memory of modern literature that I will make in September. Have you kept the texts that I had given you a few years ago (in 1988 I believe)?
The seriousness of this academic work does not take me away my taste for most pamphleteers texts that I send you the next time.
Hope to read you and see you again. Very friendly. ************
May 29, 1996. Sander
My love,
Received your card emotions that touched me deeply. I am also a bit sluggish this distance, but happy with our attachment.
I do not think you hid your tears when we were little stratus ... I'm sorry ... but includes what I feel, even though I have all performed very poorly.
Time is blue and radiant ... it's infuriating to have missed that.
I do not take yourself too long my sweet ... Lot of courage for you ... and lots of kisses and hugs ... and everything after ...
you soon. ************
Au, May 31, 1996. My
Sander desired
Again rocked by your little epistolary music, I'm delighted. Soon, when you finish your exams, I'll teach you to hell (delicious) sensual and naughty we can create through writing. This will bring our flesh and our souls. With the added thrill of your sweet carnal passion in all its folly. I already saliva, and our secret garden enriched our exaltation. To be serious my
Sander: anchoring a desire and a need to build with you a form of happiness ...
To you my love away.
ardently wish. ************

point shadow for me, just the desire that your fight succeeds.
I go back to your earlier letters always, to my delight, peppered with questions.
[I did not mention the details of my stepmother mother again.]
I would, indeed, aware of these problems: that you reveal to me in the hollow of the ear or on a page.
[I hope, in future, become as nasty as you want.]
I do not doubt of your ability to knavery. Maybe it's me who wants too much at once ... I would try take your own pace.
[Mad asked if I meant you not too upset to see it? I do not think so.]
course I was very happy to meet your mad. I understand your deep attachment to her and the loyalty that binds you.
[Do you find chivalrous to let me go home alone this summer?]
This is indeed not very elegant to leave you for the return of the island in Lyon ... We'll talk. Perhaps it would be more practical than I resume a train from your home ...
[Will we see every month for this couple of years ? Rigid structure in your mind? How can I curb my ardor towards you, tender demon?]
The frequency of our interviews is essential for me to balance. This, unfortunately, is not simply our desires, otherwise I will always be filled (in any property, honor) at home.
I send you, as you could see thee, an assortment of pictures ... large were taken by Madeleine Chapsal when we visited the castle Reynou (see my Journal ).
[For what will you replace your caving sessions. night? (Laughter)]
The cave. my body missing, in fact, but I often think back to the movements of your delicious major ... An intoxicating dance.
[Do you think I can wear my hood black for the wedding?]
That you're gonna be nice with ... If in addition you had a little cape for women (in beige) ... it would be a delusion.
[What do you have as fruit trees in your orchard? Do you have a garden?]
Many fruit trees we have planted every tree will give a different species of apples, pears, apricots, plums, cherries, plums, etc.. The future looks fruity.
We have a vegetable garden ... with lots of things ...
[I tender received your card. A new sweetness.]
For the wedding card, this is obviously not a coincidence ... Nothing is left to chance my Sander ...
I did not understand what kind of virginity thou hast done this. Could you enlighten me?
I love you, and not to laugh! Caresses and kisses. ************
Sunday, May 19 The last weekend with my Pike (Thursday evening to Monday morning) was divinely place. A time of toilets in Lyon, but an illumination to live with it.
the days passed, more like this young woman. It is basically all what I expected for a symbiosis sentimental sweetness and sparkle, wit and sensuality ... I believe we are well underway to build our future together.
Forgot to indicate the kind of Madeleine Chapsal that invites us, Sander and me to come this summer at his home in the Isle de Re. We should run a week after the marriage of Mr. Nadette 13 and 14 July.
Heim told me the introduction and contacts to take a huge work in seven volumes, from the late nineteenth century, on the Cher of the famous Buhot Kersers. We should also launch a monthly magazine in September called unusual story, shot between 10 000 and 30 000 copies and distributed by NMPP. I will be responsible for legal matters, contacts with the presenter, institutional demand for advertising and editorial articles.
My correspondence with my love Sander does not dry up. Fabulous testimony to the intensity of our relationship despite the geographical separation.
It comes at the end of next week for the weekend of Pentecost. At Lutece both for better and for the sublime.
Nothing exciting in the media and their selection for the news. A report sclerosis monomaniac tendency of Canal +, in particular in emissions in light of midday and evening. It becomes more and more a string of service Pote system : prémâchés anathema to some, systematic appeasement towards others, intrinsic cronyism. ************
Train Laon-Paris, 20/05/1996. My
Sander I love
Do not skimp, as time goes my commitment to you is growing. My week is going to move towards this Friday 11:05 p.m. to the Gare de Lyon in Paris.
complicity that we have to share is unbounded. I hope you do not hold me rigor of the smallness of nest to sleep and its aspect is not as impeccable as your adorable apartment.
role reversed, it's me that you get and I will try, if time permits, you uncover the charms of the capital. When was your last visit to Paris, and toward what are your preferences for this weekend?
you soon my sweet. ************
May 21, 1996. My
Sander awaited
Just before my nab Tchou-Tchou I'll scribble a few words.
Moving, increasingly, your letters, I discovered with an increased appetite.
The tradition is not lost, I layer on my wanderings epistolary your inextinguishable questions.
[I was wrong last night, I took a sleeping pill to sleep, did you sleep yourself?]
After our conversation about your medical worries, I was not very serene, I must admit, but my sleep was not disturbed, because our struggle will unite us even more.
[Have you finished reading your big block?]
I have not completed Renoir, having left Paris in my nest. Helen T. My landlady, who became interested in painting, loved it. I taste it in small touches of color, this beautiful book.
[Have you made good progress your memory?]
I started writing the second part, and I hope to have completed this draft editorial in late June. I am also taken by the launch of a monthly unusual history, which I will talk to you.
[Have you found some treasures to be extracted from past Lugdunum?]
Nothing yet sought Lugdunum on your ...
[Did you read my book, remember?]
What do you refer? Am I already in neuronal liquefaction?
[You have ideas for Mother's Day?]
Not at all. To my mom the best gift she would find a job ...
[You have "massacred" buffers attached to the stamps, it has more value (smile). That's okay, it's nice to have them sent to me.]
Sorry for the stamps, I'm a bit of unbalance in the paws cut ...
[Thanks for your two cards even though I prefer, you worry doubts, that of Renoir.]
Céline is therefore not in your heart? What has he done?
[you imagine me in asking for a muse inspired brush?]
course you would not a good model for Rubens, but others appreciate the creepers feline.

[You fattened cats as much as your photo? (Laughter)]
Our cats are rushing around and do not s'empâtent ...
Sorry my sweet, at 17:30 I find my train.
Tenderly yours. ************
Au, May 22, 1996. Sander
my radiant
I resume my survey yesterday in abeyance.
[Why are you the keys? Because it's you, it's silly, but it is fair. You're not sharp, but spirited, big difference. You have touched my spirit, my soul, before stroking my curves. You do not privileged at the expense of one another. That's the key: the communion is complete, within a whole, and nothing is "cut". There is not the selfish side, without listening, and there is a natural extension between privacy and that of the city. You do me no obvious interest in a bed. It is a true sharing, exchange, and not something "fun." I admire the way you want to lead your people towards a goal, the way you write. You have the ability to disturb me that much do not. You're right. Your word has value to me, while many cohere in a yes or no. That's what impetuous romance, this spirit of love, what care you have of me, which form a whole. You do not force me into anything. Transparency and openness in our discussions, our words. The lightness of your touch. You do not hide, your feelings are real, and are not an excuse to abuse me. Do not cheat. These are all things that cause I love you greatly. I can tell you precisely why I feel that it's you that I waited so long ... You are the "concentrated" My dream since childhood. I sense a noble soul in thee my Loïc. This Grail ... You embody the spirit of chivalry.]
Your portrait of me is infinitely touching. I hope to demonstrate in the coming years it is justified. You become my essential Sander, you rest my soul and my senses quicken. To monitor
always be aware of his own mediocrity latent, watching the fading for a tad of a sudden life-saving, start: these are our duties. Love, such is my pleasure.
[The format of photos is not common, but it's good. It is at your image. I'll give them Friday, okay?]
Photos are for you my Sander. I ask Madeleine Chapsal new prints of panoramic views. I have a great picture of me (taken by Kate) where I throne, as a privateer, a white shirt in the wind, before a ship ... Euro-Disney. Stop megalomaniac!
[You do not want us to make pictures? Instead of having pictures of each other, have a picture of us. I prefer black and white portraits: the timeless. Here's me going too fast? (Smiles)]
I'd love to be on your side forever black and white ... I have a friend photographer who could take us. Otherwise, have you the idea of another person may be charged for that task?
[The next weekend I think the cave will be difficult to achieve, right? (Laughter)]
The cave home is something quite possible if you agree to abide by the law of silence ... Help explode stirs even more pleasure from the depths. Just to think, Sander I my saliva.
This summer, apart from our trip to the island of Ré, I do not know if I could take another week. This will be rather long weekends. In August we could go see my grandmother together.
that, I am sending you a myriad of sweet kisses. ************
May 23, 1996.
twirling (warning, not figuratively!) Sander adored The
will you, do not you'll have before you left? Only the Good and the ptt know. I'll stick to the timelessness of my feelings for you.
This morning I received your letter dated May 20 which nest "whispered ecstasies." You become a divine poet in your mail my Sander ... Always
also abundant questions I am always ready to respond. Forward, pen!
[Have you tasted the little hearts, thinking of me?]
I ate, yes I admit, a few small hearts to yours, thinking that beats with such elegance ... I'm doing here Cabrel 'Scuse!
[Next Friday, I think putting a black suit with my stilettos. I will leave it up to a vice PJ Besides, do you love it?]
Your arrival m'al'air held my faith very appetizing ... I promise to wait for our arrival at the nest before they taste it. The
PJ as you say ... bof, not really in my obsessions. You wear very well sticking with your body girl ...
[What (s) type (s) sport (s) do you watch on TV?]
Not really addicted to the sport on TV ... When this happens it will be more tennis, Formula 1, boxing and sometimes as you read my diary (test of attention!).
[What was the result of your visit to the optometrist?]
Result for me: stable situation, slight changes to the lens and left in disrepair for the right ... Therefore stable, but global change necessary.
[What do you say about our arrangements for meeting?]
For my family, I am telling the truth the first time in 1992, then resumed contact in 1996. For acquaintances I do not speak ...
[You know you're even cuter when you tousled hair?]
I did not know that my charm intensified with the bazaar of my hair ... But yes, I Sander, I décoiffer savagely for you ... in private, hey hey!
[Have you thought about the changes "aquariales? I am constantly touched by the desire to you. Gagging there still secrets for you, dear angel?]
For our small variations in the alcove, we improvise ... Will combine our talents to the hair ... As for the gagging, er ... we'll see if you do not know hold you (hey!).
[This ice cream is delicious pear ... Loïc and glossy like?]
Glossy, Loïc the irresistible tendency to become cream fondue ... especially hot for you.
[For the wedding, would you like my hair free, or as attached to the gala? Genre sophisticated chignon?]
I prefer your hair to the wind, my sweet, unless required by the holding sophistication ... I
queue at the table ... I kiss you and I love you my enchanting ... ************
May 24, 1996, 16:30. My
In a few hours we will meet together, but when you read this chart, our sweet and good times spent together will be a memory.
To be even close to you on your return, my tenderest thoughts. ************
Tuesday, May 29
Weekend of Pentecost with my love Sander. One time the toilet, but a total symbiosis between us and a promising sensual fulfillment. At Lutece, we visited museums including d'Orsay and the Louvre. The launch of
Buhot Kersers of the Cher is preparing ... We must put the turbos.
storms the castle, I finish writing the second part of my memory ... I am confident in my defense ... Received a card today
adorable Sander and a letter from my former French teacher (fourth and third), Jean R., now retired in a small town in the Haute-Marne (Doulaincourt) obviously I hit resume contact with him. In the show
state of emergency Cavada, devoted to football and money, a player's portrait Cantona and a synthesis of his career. Endearing and full of relief. A tribute that has nothing to fuck the world Baball. ************
Au, May 29, 1996.
Dear Sir,
very touched by your response, and delighted that you have retired to the beautiful regions of Haute-Marne and the Franche-Comte. This Haute-Marne has my full attention to the third quarter of 1995 as part of my editorial activities. Indeed, we have unearthed the magnificent work of Emile Jolibois (copies of the cover, and the fourth passage dealing with your municipality) preface for the occasion by the President for the Archaeological Society of Langres. This magnificent dictionary of Commons nearly 550 pages dating from the mid nineteenth century, and it was high time we give it a new life.
Yes, I admit, you're the only teacher with whom I wanted to reconnect. The memory of your teaching, the covenant you made between a curiosity in all directions and just severity, and especially the encouragement you gave me for writing forged this you need to pay homage.
I am also attaching to this letter of introduction and detailed plan of my memory of modern literature that I will make in September. Have you kept the texts that I had given you a few years ago (in 1988 I believe)?
The seriousness of this academic work does not take me away my taste for most pamphleteers texts that I send you the next time.
Hope to read you and see you again. Very friendly. ************
May 29, 1996. Sander
My love,

I do not think you hid your tears when we were little stratus ... I'm sorry ... but includes what I feel, even though I have all performed very poorly.
Time is blue and radiant ... it's infuriating to have missed that.
I do not take yourself too long my sweet ... Lot of courage for you ... and lots of kisses and hugs ... and everything after ...
you soon. ************
Au, May 31, 1996. My
Sander desired
Again rocked by your little epistolary music, I'm delighted. Soon, when you finish your exams, I'll teach you to hell (delicious) sensual and naughty we can create through writing. This will bring our flesh and our souls. With the added thrill of your sweet carnal passion in all its folly. I already saliva, and our secret garden enriched our exaltation. To be serious my
Sander: anchoring a desire and a need to build with you a form of happiness ...
To you my love away.
ardently wish. ************
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