November 1, 1996.
My sweet, tender ... (And soft ...)
Revenue at the castle, the park is covered with a thick layer of leaves. The colors get drunk.
Your letter touched me from 29/10. Your analytical skills are probably a guarantee that a stupid mess
will not occur. Being at the height of your dreams, "that should inspire your actions and your behavior. I do not doubt your feelings towards me ... I just hope that the shape of your love I will want to fight, build, and will have no adverse influence on my character ... I wish well obviously the same for you.
I try, as I can, to understand this preference you have to hide your tears behind an aggressive ... How our passing clouds disappear faster if I had to dry your eyes, rather than react to your apparent coldness. This
destructive energy may bog down your fundamental desires. I am willing to help you with all my heart.
I just heard your message gloomy ... curious. Arriving five messages from you: the first four thoughtful, last posted and worried ... Because I spoke to you in a state pronounced fatigue?
This allusion to my phone ... Is this really serious, is not a picnic offensive? You're not going to reiterate our attachment depends on financial issues ... it would be the most terrible nonsense ... I would not have mentioned. It was intended merely to try to restrain my ardor night. That's it.
Understand that I have to beat me in all directions, each with its obligations, but this should not affect our love. I shake my
Sander. ************
November 6, 1996. My
Sander chewable
Midnight past while you're snuggled in your sleep, deep sleep, probably, before I even show my commitment to you. That bring us goodness and serenity of life.
Tonight saw the end of the show devoted to euthanasia Delarue. Example of a beautiful couple who ends his days before the lapse of the disease reaches old age. What do you think of this as a doctor? Your hot pussy
I miss my Sander, and your mouth on my swollen glans intoxicated ... Small note of pornographer, hey hey ...
I'll hold you without restraint ... ************
November 10, 1996. My
Back Croisic, after some six hours of intense happiness. Lunch at restaurant Ocean with Heim and Vanessa ... A bar to drool crust dead, among others. Discovery of some corners of the rugged coastline. Given the large house that Heim would acquire ... How it would be good for our work this happen. This
coast with its rocks tormented lines, the few who survived the massacre seagulls because of too many droppings, these multiple small ports more or less traveled, this transparent color (despite the clouds present), this air-iodine intoxicating (I patouille I patouille ...). I would have them do unto you discover that.
Are you ready to follow me in my deep desire to perpetuate the work of Heim, save the castle, to intensify the fighting that still the general (family) premium on individual self-interest? How far can I count on your feelings, what is the degree of your rallying to me? Deep questions that go far beyond mere fear of a relational fragility.
Suite: November 12
this morning by accident while talking with a girl
letters of my seminar, the opportunity to move Rue Mouffetard (busy commercial street paved) in two small rooms furnished (with bed) for 850 F / month, utilities included. In order not to my landlady's bluff, I late December half the rent for January. Advantages of this
Ministudio: independence and cost. Disadvantages: no elevator to the fifth, shared shower with the neighbor (sister of the girl) and bath in the Turkish town (but can install in a corner of the apartment
chemical toilets ... that's good news our interviews in the capital.
you soon my Sander.
December 2, 1996. My
What enchantment to hear your voice, bubbly, calm, refreshed with accents. It changed me in recent days where the accumulation of the nervous tension and physical fatigue and mental desires gave to fuck with water.
Lutetia is gradually its brightness celebrations. Gift from Gilles, the husband of my mother, a helmet swab of exceptional quality: V2 turbo circuit (almost Form 1), sapphire diaphragm, earbud headphones, stereo plug gold-plated. The Rolls Royce of helmets Discrete. A wonder to listen ...
I have a favor to ask my Sander for the months ahead. I would have to consult theses in relation to the pamphlet, supported universities in Lyon. I worry if the list provided, can you book me to the consultation on a day to determine when I am present?
In the meantime, I send my most affectionate kisses. See you soon. ************
December 6, 1996. My
Sander kissing,
I will answer questions decrypted.
In your map of the arc angel question mark but many touching resolutions.
[I'm still under water, you are found more distant with me that I would like. Can not we just love each other?]
question is whether love is easy ... and whether the construction necessary for sustainability is no more inspirational.
[I thought that traveling together might be more fun than going alone to Lyon Nantes, right?]
is indeed more pleasant to return together to the capital. I wholeheartedly endorse.
[Where will we sleep in Brittany ?]
A lodging must be booked and hotel rooms, I do not know. But do not worry, we will not stand to sleep under the spray of the wild coast.
[If only we could see every 15 days. Is it really unrealistic?]
This would obviously be great, but I can promise you regular. We each have our contingencies. Positive point I can, from January 97, you get more easily.
[Could you ask Madeleine photos of the island of Re? I have almost no photos of you and me together. I wish I had a small collection that I would watch the night of loneliness.]
I ask him the pictures by mail when I send him Limousin she prefaced. [...]
[Tell me honestly, you do not really want to consider a meeting? Come close to you seems too intrusive?]
But of course I want a meeting, if you come to me. When have I said otherwise? He'll have to test our feelings of the everyday life.
[The wild, savage that I am not yet completely tamed.]
Well I hope your feelings are not diminished. [...]
[It would be nice to have our nest to us. A beautiful house, not a box in a concrete block.]
I do not intend to live in a concrete box, but rather in a castle.
[Do not you think that this format paper resembles that of an order?]
I do not frequent enough doctors to make the connection.
[If you want something special this weekend, tell me.]
I need you, and some grub. Come kiss my
Sander. ************
December 9, 1996. My
Pending milky tea and warm croissant, I realize with a little advance your dream: the outline of a few words. Will I get enough spring to throw myself into creativity epistolary? I gotta admit I feel pretty heavy feather ... the effect probably leave you to regret in the cold reach cacochyme Egrot Mount golden.
Our final meeting this morning was carnal
particularly thrilling galvanized by the embrace morning and pressed for time that we needed. The willingness of hearts and bodies of our intensified irrigation nesting liberating. That's my
Sander, I will join more sober writings.
To our sweet embraces. ************
December 1996.
Sander, my brave,
I do not know what to write you after what you told me, except the intensity of my thoughts for you. This shits company has a strange way to reward those who succeed in school. Property ferocious pamphlets would write this shitty cons medical organization. Only positive: give you the sense of combat and leverage your skills.
I know you'll do everything you can to be open Dec. 24, but know that it would be terrible for me if you could not be there.
hope so.
And my very tender things Sander. ************
Friday, December 13, 1996
A resurrection? I do not know. This type of writing seems more tease, but time passes quickly and correspondence I have with my Sandre not enough to stake out with sufficient precision my personal life, student, professional and turmoil of the news.
Tuesday from November, the Islamists attack at Port-Royal RER Paris. Big emotion. The holiday year will they be marred by these explosions to the blind? The plan Vigipirate is immediately reactivated. Publication of
The aristocratic libertarian in Leautaud and Heim from my memory of modern literature. First volume of the collection of academic studies France, ten years after the publication of my poetry collection. Distressing time perspective. Case Statements
have sent all the different relationships azimuths, the universities of France (iep and Faculty of Letters), leaders of some non-conformist newspapers, etc..
I hope this shot-to-hand of three hundred and forty copies does not rot in cartons. Edith Silve has promised the publication of extracts in various issues of Cahiers Paul Leautaud . Bulletin Celinian should allude to it, as The new man of Renoulet. Marc Laudelout requested by press service for her column in Literary Controversy , a Belgian magazine.
Currently, control of structure by: pater , maternal grandmother, Gerard L., O. Guy, Maggie V., J. Renoulet, Renata Lesnik (Russian-born writer, friend), Sophie B. (Friend, violin), Isabelle T. (A girlfriend Minitel), Kate. It's not bésief. Letter
Jacqueline Kelen (no order) that is doing well. Christopher D. Courier, college buddy that I had more news for ten years (he is married and high school teacher or college). Copy
graciously given to recipients of my letter of dedication: Marc D. (For his courage and kindness) I see next Tuesday, my Sander (for his careful tenderness) to whom I handed the last weekend, and John R., old retired college professor, if he takes a little time to meet old and already my last post. That is the record. My
Sander lives very poorly our remoteness and the pressures of his internship. The picture she brush my professional relationships she gives great desire kicks in this foul den (a clinic in Lyon): a department head skin cow that should defecate a big shits in the face to stop its injustices, bullying, etc.. ; Doctors are taking the center of the world ... my god! if they had conscience ... Chirac spoke at
Big Media - TF1. Catchy little brightness in the speech. The
socialos have not learned the lesson of 1981, or just. The new promise-flakes: the creation of 700,000 jobs for young people in the year of their arrival. He is soon forgotten creations million promised by Fanfan decomposed, and the fiasco that followed. It persists in
shine the founding concepts of our system, then it is cracking everywhere, and no prospect that more motivated. An era is over, but those who profit blow on the embers fading, to believe. ************
December 13, 1996. My tender
Especially do not waver my sweet, we will find a way to not stay away from each other for another two years.
Time is short, like yours, but I wanted to register this thing and send you my most affectionate thoughts. As
support. Big kisses, and rest. ************
December 15, 1996.
My sweet caring,
What a pleasure to hear you tonight with your singing voice accomplice. That preparations for hosting your nest. How lovely you are in your impulses manufacturers.
you feel ready for a life with me?
[When will our engagement, a mad project?]
Hey hey, nothing crazy, it would be a logical ... I prefer a strong bond between us for any other symbol.
Well there was only one issue, that made transparent. Letter
a little short, I would try more developed next time.
lot of courage to you for your week. Tenderly. ************
December 16, 1996.
My beloved
Here I am again in one of those big red destination ter Big Lutece. To us soon Croisic, the rugged coastline and, hopefully, very sweet moments to happen and good things to eat. I must think you read the card by phone. before the end of the week, because certain foods (sea urchins, for example) should be ordered in advance.
What evoke for the perspective that we have gathered, for example, for September 97? Are you ready to greet me? Benefit from each other in everyday life, challenge and make the time. A fight for me to continue my studies, my collaborative editing and a side job (copyright for example). Take and assume full responsibility in his life, it is perhaps high time to twenty-seven brooms. Tenderly
near you.
My sweet, tender ... (And soft ...)
Revenue at the castle, the park is covered with a thick layer of leaves. The colors get drunk.
Your letter touched me from 29/10. Your analytical skills are probably a guarantee that a stupid mess

I try, as I can, to understand this preference you have to hide your tears behind an aggressive ... How our passing clouds disappear faster if I had to dry your eyes, rather than react to your apparent coldness. This
destructive energy may bog down your fundamental desires. I am willing to help you with all my heart.
I just heard your message gloomy ... curious. Arriving five messages from you: the first four thoughtful, last posted and worried ... Because I spoke to you in a state pronounced fatigue?
This allusion to my phone ... Is this really serious, is not a picnic offensive? You're not going to reiterate our attachment depends on financial issues ... it would be the most terrible nonsense ... I would not have mentioned. It was intended merely to try to restrain my ardor night. That's it.
Understand that I have to beat me in all directions, each with its obligations, but this should not affect our love. I shake my
Sander. ************
November 6, 1996. My
Sander chewable
Midnight past while you're snuggled in your sleep, deep sleep, probably, before I even show my commitment to you. That bring us goodness and serenity of life.
Tonight saw the end of the show devoted to euthanasia Delarue. Example of a beautiful couple who ends his days before the lapse of the disease reaches old age. What do you think of this as a doctor? Your hot pussy
I miss my Sander, and your mouth on my swollen glans intoxicated ... Small note of pornographer, hey hey ...
I'll hold you without restraint ... ************
November 10, 1996. My
Back Croisic, after some six hours of intense happiness. Lunch at restaurant Ocean with Heim and Vanessa ... A bar to drool crust dead, among others. Discovery of some corners of the rugged coastline. Given the large house that Heim would acquire ... How it would be good for our work this happen. This
coast with its rocks tormented lines, the few who survived the massacre seagulls because of too many droppings, these multiple small ports more or less traveled, this transparent color (despite the clouds present), this air-iodine intoxicating (I patouille I patouille ...). I would have them do unto you discover that.
Are you ready to follow me in my deep desire to perpetuate the work of Heim, save the castle, to intensify the fighting that still the general (family) premium on individual self-interest? How far can I count on your feelings, what is the degree of your rallying to me? Deep questions that go far beyond mere fear of a relational fragility.
Suite: November 12
this morning by accident while talking with a girl

Ministudio: independence and cost. Disadvantages: no elevator to the fifth, shared shower with the neighbor (sister of the girl) and bath in the Turkish town (but can install in a corner of the apartment
chemical toilets ... that's good news our interviews in the capital.
you soon my Sander.

What enchantment to hear your voice, bubbly, calm, refreshed with accents. It changed me in recent days where the accumulation of the nervous tension and physical fatigue and mental desires gave to fuck with water.
Lutetia is gradually its brightness celebrations. Gift from Gilles, the husband of my mother, a helmet swab of exceptional quality: V2 turbo circuit (almost Form 1), sapphire diaphragm, earbud headphones, stereo plug gold-plated. The Rolls Royce of helmets Discrete. A wonder to listen ...
I have a favor to ask my Sander for the months ahead. I would have to consult theses in relation to the pamphlet, supported universities in Lyon. I worry if the list provided, can you book me to the consultation on a day to determine when I am present?
In the meantime, I send my most affectionate kisses. See you soon. ************
December 6, 1996. My
Sander kissing,
I will answer questions decrypted.
In your map of the arc angel question mark but many touching resolutions.
[I'm still under water, you are found more distant with me that I would like. Can not we just love each other?]
question is whether love is easy ... and whether the construction necessary for sustainability is no more inspirational.
[I thought that traveling together might be more fun than going alone to Lyon Nantes, right?]
is indeed more pleasant to return together to the capital. I wholeheartedly endorse.
[Where will we sleep in Brittany ?]
A lodging must be booked and hotel rooms, I do not know. But do not worry, we will not stand to sleep under the spray of the wild coast.
[If only we could see every 15 days. Is it really unrealistic?]
This would obviously be great, but I can promise you regular. We each have our contingencies. Positive point I can, from January 97, you get more easily.
[Could you ask Madeleine photos of the island of Re? I have almost no photos of you and me together. I wish I had a small collection that I would watch the night of loneliness.]
I ask him the pictures by mail when I send him Limousin she prefaced. [...]
[Tell me honestly, you do not really want to consider a meeting? Come close to you seems too intrusive?]
But of course I want a meeting, if you come to me. When have I said otherwise? He'll have to test our feelings of the everyday life.
[The wild, savage that I am not yet completely tamed.]
Well I hope your feelings are not diminished. [...]
[It would be nice to have our nest to us. A beautiful house, not a box in a concrete block.]
I do not intend to live in a concrete box, but rather in a castle.
[Do not you think that this format paper resembles that of an order?]
I do not frequent enough doctors to make the connection.
[If you want something special this weekend, tell me.]
I need you, and some grub. Come kiss my
Sander. ************
December 9, 1996. My
Pending milky tea and warm croissant, I realize with a little advance your dream: the outline of a few words. Will I get enough spring to throw myself into creativity epistolary? I gotta admit I feel pretty heavy feather ... the effect probably leave you to regret in the cold reach cacochyme Egrot Mount golden.
Our final meeting this morning was carnal

Sander, I will join more sober writings.
To our sweet embraces. ************
December 1996.
Sander, my brave,
I do not know what to write you after what you told me, except the intensity of my thoughts for you. This shits company has a strange way to reward those who succeed in school. Property ferocious pamphlets would write this shitty cons medical organization. Only positive: give you the sense of combat and leverage your skills.
I know you'll do everything you can to be open Dec. 24, but know that it would be terrible for me if you could not be there.
hope so.
And my very tender things Sander. ************
Friday, December 13, 1996
A resurrection? I do not know. This type of writing seems more tease, but time passes quickly and correspondence I have with my Sandre not enough to stake out with sufficient precision my personal life, student, professional and turmoil of the news.
Tuesday from November, the Islamists attack at Port-Royal RER Paris. Big emotion. The holiday year will they be marred by these explosions to the blind? The plan Vigipirate is immediately reactivated. Publication of
The aristocratic libertarian in Leautaud and Heim from my memory of modern literature. First volume of the collection of academic studies France, ten years after the publication of my poetry collection. Distressing time perspective. Case Statements
have sent all the different relationships azimuths, the universities of France (iep and Faculty of Letters), leaders of some non-conformist newspapers, etc..
I hope this shot-to-hand of three hundred and forty copies does not rot in cartons. Edith Silve has promised the publication of extracts in various issues of Cahiers Paul Leautaud . Bulletin Celinian should allude to it, as The new man of Renoulet. Marc Laudelout requested by press service for her column in Literary Controversy , a Belgian magazine.
Currently, control of structure by: pater , maternal grandmother, Gerard L., O. Guy, Maggie V., J. Renoulet, Renata Lesnik (Russian-born writer, friend), Sophie B. (Friend, violin), Isabelle T. (A girlfriend Minitel), Kate. It's not bésief. Letter
Jacqueline Kelen (no order) that is doing well. Christopher D. Courier, college buddy that I had more news for ten years (he is married and high school teacher or college). Copy
graciously given to recipients of my letter of dedication: Marc D. (For his courage and kindness) I see next Tuesday, my Sander (for his careful tenderness) to whom I handed the last weekend, and John R., old retired college professor, if he takes a little time to meet old and already my last post. That is the record. My
Sander lives very poorly our remoteness and the pressures of his internship. The picture she brush my professional relationships she gives great desire kicks in this foul den (a clinic in Lyon): a department head skin cow that should defecate a big shits in the face to stop its injustices, bullying, etc.. ; Doctors are taking the center of the world ... my god! if they had conscience ... Chirac spoke at
Big Media - TF1. Catchy little brightness in the speech. The
socialos have not learned the lesson of 1981, or just. The new promise-flakes: the creation of 700,000 jobs for young people in the year of their arrival. He is soon forgotten creations million promised by Fanfan decomposed, and the fiasco that followed. It persists in
shine the founding concepts of our system, then it is cracking everywhere, and no prospect that more motivated. An era is over, but those who profit blow on the embers fading, to believe. ************
December 13, 1996. My tender
Especially do not waver my sweet, we will find a way to not stay away from each other for another two years.
Time is short, like yours, but I wanted to register this thing and send you my most affectionate thoughts. As
support. Big kisses, and rest. ************
December 15, 1996.
My sweet caring,
What a pleasure to hear you tonight with your singing voice accomplice. That preparations for hosting your nest. How lovely you are in your impulses manufacturers.
you feel ready for a life with me?
[When will our engagement, a mad project?]
Hey hey, nothing crazy, it would be a logical ... I prefer a strong bond between us for any other symbol.
Well there was only one issue, that made transparent. Letter
a little short, I would try more developed next time.
lot of courage to you for your week. Tenderly. ************
December 16, 1996.
My beloved
Here I am again in one of those big red destination ter Big Lutece. To us soon Croisic, the rugged coastline and, hopefully, very sweet moments to happen and good things to eat. I must think you read the card by phone. before the end of the week, because certain foods (sea urchins, for example) should be ordered in advance.

What evoke for the perspective that we have gathered, for example, for September 97? Are you ready to greet me? Benefit from each other in everyday life, challenge and make the time. A fight for me to continue my studies, my collaborative editing and a side job (copyright for example). Take and assume full responsibility in his life, it is perhaps high time to twenty-seven brooms. Tenderly
near you.
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