[Letter Cards, engraving of Gargantua with this inscription: After feasting ... Best wishes for 1996 ]
Old memories resurface correspondence.
Very Happy New Year to you.
Hope to read you. ************
Monday, January 8 this morning at 8:30, Francois Mitterrand died from his prostate cancer. It is obvious that its footprint in the history of world politics in the second half of the twentieth century will be sustainable. He belonged to that rare category true statesmen. The political career of Mitterrand is the most complex and most surprising. ************
Paris, January 18, 1996
Dear Sander,
Glad you have brought me answered and that you are free, hey hey! I wanted to call you, but you have to be unlisted, as no trace on Minitel.
What I get from all this time, comprehensive program ... After intermittently continued my law school, I enrolled this year in direct command of modern literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III). I am preparing a thesis on the aristocratic libertarian at Bloy Leautaud and Heim, the last being my father's heart. A topic that galvanizes me, you worry doubts.
professional side, still immersed in the publishing world, as Executive Assistant, I run publishing projects and pampers them until they leave ... Preface my doing exhumations by local, regional or national, I begin to build some interesting relationships.
Writing is essential ... I continue writing my Journal (I started my fifth big book) and prepare the publication purified the first volume that I would call The feast probably infamous . In a nutshell
news. On the heart, nothing very striking since late 1993. Too cautious, perhaps too hard ...
Especially when you come to Paris, tell me what it shows. Otherwise, I could get me this summer.
I would love to continue this epistolary relationship. [...]
Much to read you, I kiss you. ************
Paris, January 29, 1996
Sparkling Sander,
I offer you a truce in illegible handwriting: me with my arabesques, and you with your curves intertwined. So here I am renewing with script writing.
I think I have chosen the composition of your harem male. I'll have to hustle to grab onto some gallant suitor of the pedestal. The soul of chivalry, fustigeur of couch potatoes, galvanized by the imponderable, full of generosity, my big red heart in its waters swing I propose, hey hey, in my simplicity.
With a tad serious, pale pearly and your silhouette sleek slenderness you maintain your more closer than you seem to consider the princess to love and to marry, of course! This
as advice to the elected that you cherish.
For my head: I still love my father to heart (I'll send a copy of a book with photos that appeared recently in a large regional daily), we have a new castle to call our own, one of my two Sisters of heart betrayed us and is as dead to me. I always popular among our ancient land and bubbling Paris.
Atla, atla, I scribble from the magnificent national library and I have to sneak out.
To the delight of you read it again. Carefully hold. ************
Chateau Au., February 9, 1996 Dearest
I doubt that you get my missive before going to taste the powder.
I remain hazy in my answers to your questions, unless I do unconsciously begs ... I would like above all the transparency of our reports, I'll take them back one by one. [...]
Rigor, integrity, loyalty ... I'm starting.
[It's your story that you put in page?]
Here I remain speechless. Am I too crazy to let me go to invent my own life? Except that you make reference to Journal I want since 1991. Only method found to maintain a link with writing, and testimony of a young man who lived a few oddities. I neglected the last few months keeping this diary, but thanks to you, I'm reconciled to the epistolary genre. If only for that, all my thanks.
Certainly. Human nature is mostly a source of disappointment and heartache. My last great love story ended on my initiative in late 1993 and since then the ephemeral will ... and distrust. Beautiful girls abound, this is not the problem. The combination of a physical and a plastic bottom enchanting is much rarer. The more I look at the photo, more I am confirmed in my fondness for you. That's all. Sincerity, the risk of boorishness.
[You live alone in Paris?]
The capital is a place of passage for me and I'm obviously not married. But my love of life remains intact, and my desire to build stronger.
[He leaves a sister to you. You told me once about someone with affection, is it her?]
It is possible that greater good which I said is she who has betrayed ... Another wound to the heart and soul for an atrocity ...
[In your pretty bn, there must have manuscripts of the Middle Ages, not ? Why are you going?]
The National Library has an old collection which dates back to the scrolls. When thou shalt make a visit to Paris, I'd love to take you in this magnificent cave. I go there very often for my research editorial. The monograph series, in which I participate, requires research of old documents.
[You have so many coins in your tape to be able to go from castle to castle?]
In fact this a castle the other is a move to the castle, homestead final. I am enclosing a small booklet that we published two years ago in conjunction with Heritage Days . So you can judge from my attachment to this place ... millennium. [...] Your
revolt is sweet Sander, your coolness is a delight ...
I am your obliged very attentive. ************
Chateau Au., February 9, 1996 Dearest
It is with great pleasure that I learned that you were still alive .. . thank you for your delightful letter.
If it is for the happiness of the union that you disappeared for a while, nothing could be more pardonable and bravo! You had just told with a confidence touching your fears being revelation.
The page turns and wonderful way. So I burn a milestone date of the national holiday which for me is an act to say the least unusual, hey hey! As to be your witness, this will obviously be a pleasure and an honor. [...]
Very carefully, and with all my friends. ************
the train Paris-Laon, February 19, 1996 Dearest
[...] [I do not understand your family stories, who is who?]
I have a father and a birth parent who each have rebuilt their lives on their side. I have two blood brothers (me being the eldest) and half-brother recently derived from the father side. At the age of 18-19 years old, my parents met Heim, their eldest two to three years who led a group so poetic very important. They become friends, and I spent many holidays in castles and later on I have resided 8 to 11 or 12 years. There, children of my age I consider brothers and sister to heart if you like ... There.
[Why is this "atrocity for the soul "?]
was a style effect to evoke the bad shots in the gu ... we mug ... for now figuratively.
[...] I assume you're not far from Lyon, if my intuitions watsonniennes are good. I invited the 13 and 14 July in the capital of Gaul as a witness for the bride, a longtime friend. Would you do me the honor, friendship and the pleasure to spend these two days?
[What sign are you?]
Libra ascendant lion ...
Always very materialistic, I'll be back in Paris that Saturday. I would not be deprived of your reading this. Depending on dates, you can send your letters to the castle, as shown in the header.
soon, and great pleasure to hear from you. Your attention. ************
Chateau Au. The
28/02/1996 Dear friend Sander,
Immediately go, back to Paris, I devour your lines tangled and j'm'en 'll answer your questions distressing. [...]
[What are your favorite poets?]

[Where do you go out in the capital?]
Bof, bof. Not very consistent my outings, actually. Some cinemas, several restaurants, a nightclub for writing, and that's about all. Lutece I have not yet yielded all its secrets. [...]
[Have you ever been to Greece?]
I passed a few years ago during a trip to Europe: the Adriatic coast and an island, Samos I think. Some scattered memories.
[I can not remember your voice?]
The timbre of my rope is serious and friendly. I hope you soon soothed the ear canal.
[What ails you want to build?]
Want constant and multifaceted. Build a beauty of life is perhaps the synthesis. Finding his alter ego is a prerequisite.
[Do you read your newspaper?]
Currently it has been read in part, by two or three people very close, but I'm not going to devote myself to the cult of secrecy since the objective is that it appears. So no false shyness. However, some elements will have to wait before being printed.
[What are these "singularities"?]
I had alluded to his childhood a little unusual that I had. But I remain a little hazy here, sorry. There is still more singular than himself ...
[What exactly is an "enchanting background?]
is a personality that has some pizzazz and a capacity for renewal. This is obviously highly subjective, so easily questionable. In fact, a little confused as I've defined. In the sauce to the neck ... Enchants me, then!
[What is your definition of boorishness?]
is being obnoxious involuntarily, a Don Juan or a Casanova in clogs. In fact it is very varied. An example? With the nose as straight as you have, your glasses should carefully! Disgusting right? A big kiss for me to forgive.
[A boy like you should be asked, right?]
I do not put myself available for this, and I do not have a fan club. I'm not complaining so far, but I remain in reserve. For acquaintances, However, there are plenty ...
[Have you many friends?]
Outside affinity of this family, which includes my most reliable friends, I have very good women friends. My greatest friends are already quasi-household, and I did not destructiveness, so no danger. They are diverse, but many come from the legal world (shared surveys ...).
[Are you kind of evanescent?]
Er ... I do not think this is the most appropriate adjective ... Certainly a bit whimsical, but very realistic and contrary deleted. The evanescence is a rather feminine type. [...]
[Have you ever been to Lyon?]
Yes, I've made a few trips.
[You live in such a short m2 me?]
My foot-à-terre in Paris, in fact tantamount to pocket handkerchief, but functional. Beloved
your passage on shellfish at the tail end plate ... Thou art closer to the storm intoxicating even drooling.
[What do you like in the story (time and people)?]
Middle Ages and the feudal mode, some heads Chouans, etc.. I could develop this plan you next time.
I dwell, I dwell, but to exhaust the slew questions. [...]
[How old is the bride?]
She must have about 30 years, charming young woman ... What I would like for this trip is that you're my guest and as you come with me wherever we go as a friend ... Otherwise I shall sketch Availability Zones.
soon on leaves, and intensify our complicity to death. Tenderly. ************
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