Dearest Sander,
My turn to forward you an inspiring card [Rembrandt, The Good Samaritan ], a new sign from heaven.

be more verbose, tenderly. ************
Chateau Au, April 3, 1996.
Holy Sander,
I'll party here, but delayed intensity. Very touched by your little card-shaped case of poetry. I'll improvise below some free verse taking their strain in the letters of your first name:
Fanned by the elegance of your instep,
Awash in emotions to the rhythm of pure
statements, I touch the parchment without excess.
Laugh, by your pen or your strings, I swear
Here the jubilation felt by the sound of joyful painting
Born emotions of your bubbly nature
In rare tribute by the accents of your human stature.
is my sweet, very quickly. ************
On 5 April 1996.

Touching Sander,
soon arrived at our Big Lutece, a soft waiting for me. Your post deserves a long answer and reciprocity laid bare its sensitivity.
I hope the Easter went well.
Tenderly. ************
Aut., April 10, 1996.
Sweet friend Sander,
What a pleasure to read and reread your many letters and cards. All this is very valuable. So much so that we should not rush this splendid epistolary friendship with a sudden change of nature. Count on each other, on its presence and intense affection, at his complicity and crackling is a goal we attain uncommon.
[Do you dream of me gag?]
Great God no! Or with a silk cloth. Our soft report amply fills me.
[Life without a car would be impossible for me. Why this delay? You like what model?]
never been attracted to these machines (although I acknowledge their practicality ) and I love to drive, but I'll get to soon. In the dream cars, the Jaguars have my preference.
[Why do you feel not ready to offspring?]
I do not feel mature enough emotionally, physically and sufficiently secured to take a newborn. But it depends also on the magnificent cave to receive my seed ... hey hey! I no longer sow the wind!
[What you could read well your brother?]
small passage where you said nice things ... but nothing compromising on you ... Ah! we must relieve his ego from time to time.
[You know the Cranberries?]
I love the Cranberries ... I'm about to buy a CD of their own. The woman makes stalls fabulous voice. We've talked about, so I do not ramble ...
All your pictures are carefully kept in an album perso. Your little picture is in my portfolio. You are here ...
For legal issues, I give you a first impression: the obligation of support between parents and children. Obligation to issue receipt for rent ... Shipments me a copy of your lease. I answer more fully in a future. And tenderly kisses. ************
Au, 11 April 1996. Touching
Sander, Received your mail
small size but dense content.
As promised, I sent you copy of our correspondence of 92. You can check how many I have not played a great role to end.
Due to time constraints, I prefer to forward you this letter now and address the various outstanding issues next time.
Loving friendships. ************
Chateau Au., The 12/04/1996. My
I come, finally!, Browse to libertines (for the sixteenth century at least) of this delicious and shameless Louise Perrin, Labe said.
Damage size: like Montaigne, he should modernize the language. We matter how old form: only have music and poetry of Louise Labe reflections of Montaigne. Leave as is, it's snobbery, I think. Finally, I castigated cons publishers, not against you my sweet. And thank you again.
Feel free to send me the pictures of you dressed in overalls or with nothing. It will always be a pleasure for my peepers.
I do not know the fabrics in Kenzo . If you have any revelations to make, do not hold back a bit. And I keep you as the only rider in July.
curious at first glance, your fear of me, but I think you reach the bottom. Our exchange is such that it should not be bullied by the evil assumed an interview. At the same time, if your feelings do not only my achievement, is not your mind that creates the attachment? The idea of a fraternal complicity raises you touch me, beloved little sister! And do not bother you to come in Limoges: I do not worth it ... hey hey.
[Are you very chocolate? You had gifts for Easter?]
Chocolate is an eternal greed: I prefer milk. With nougat inside: a delight ... I sting your hand willingly. Easter had nothing except your adorable egg inedible ...
[Do you love your parents?]
certainly Affection for my birth parents, but lucid and conscious of what they did to the family: a disaster. They never had to meet ... but I would not have been there to congratulate me, hey!
It is 0:19 on 12 April ... My eyelids are closing themselves.
I embrace and quickly. ************ The

Little additional serious legal terms:
- Problem child support obligation of parents (attached photocopy Civil Code) ® + law jurisprudence.
- Obligation to issue receipt for rent by owner (attached copy of Article 21 of the Act of July 6, 1989).
I advise the latter problem to send a registered mail with return receipt to the owner by claiming for the future that you will automatically be provided a receipt of the monthly rent paid. Refer to the law.
I am at your disposal, my sweet, for you write the letter. Feel
never ask me for information or to submit to me any problem.
Your tender must. ************
[Email The navel of Limbo Antonin Artaud] A
me show you this great out of step, holding a writing organic couch thoughts pure. I only knew that after writing my poetry. A meeting as with literary and Leautaud Bloy. Enjoy
tormented. ************
Saturday, April 13
Passages still rare. I force myself to fill these pages. Originally, I started this Journal not to lose the link with writing. It is indeed the only literary genre (except the epistolary) that do not load the difficulties of creativity. The narrative of his life and the transcript of his thoughts are enough. The unit is its own life.
Currently, I mobilize my pen in my memory for letters and extensive correspondence with a delightful and bubbly young girl, Sandra R.

I had a brief relationship with her letter-writing in 1992, but interrupted by my done a few months. Sent my wishes for 1996 helped revive her. I will not miss the boat again.
Family events: Line, former wife of Heim, telephoned Hermione aggressively towards the castle, persecuting, wanting to "save" his daughter. Pitiful! After
telephone survey, Heim learns from Mrs. C (former stepmother) that Alice and her husband go for eight months at home. Heim announced that danger. Explanation of all the problems we have: recently, an anonymous letter sent to the Land Bank which financed the purchase of the building located in Avenue Roger Salengro Chaulnes. ************
Castle In the 04/15/1996.
My beloved accomplice
I just finished my lunch in the castle park in this beautiful spring day. Birds hum everywhere around me, some more distant cawing remind me that he will kill as few crows so they leave us in peace, the sun warms my arms and head.
Rapture of our dialog last night. Sander fundamental bias for you, and great happiness to come see you at the end of this week. The good you do for me what you're going to maybe do this faint suspicion that often gnaws my other.
I echo your last mail to fulfill my vow of transparency.

[You're very cute when you forget your pretty words in prose.]
Would you tell me where I got junk, hey hey ... I'd forgotten some words in one of my matches?
[I'll buy you a box with letters, you'll need it?]
I do not mind a nice box painted by you, my general favorite.
[You will find the poems in this letter that I told you about. This is my faith very romantic this. Offset from the everyday barbarism.]
Thank you for these beautiful verses I'll hasten to swallow when Chronos leave me leisure. I have the castle an array of poets at my disposal, and therefore yours. Emits your desires and I would strive to achieve them.
[I had lots of chocolate eggs, I'll become a big dondon if I eat them all. Will not you help me?]
I am at your disposal to eat all your candy, including your delicious carton ... (Oh, the pig god twenty!). (Big laugh after a fatty bâfrée fries ...)
[Do you like football?]
crénom A brothel cockatoo swelling of athletes at the wormy nuts! I loathe football ...
[How dogs are called the castle?]
Belle the dog, dog-Patouf Theo and the two males. Loïc me it's a male too.
[Do you know Edvard Grieg, Sibelius? I forgot Debussy.]
I'm no classical music, but I only ask to learn ... I have a friend in Paris who is a violinist ...
[Do you know Saint-Honore and Saint Margaret?]
They presented me not ...
you soon my Sander.
************ From
train Paris-Laon, 04/23/1996.
Immanent Sander,
While seated in the seat of the steel monster, Sting rhythm in my cavities with three bones, I activate the ball, failing pen.
weekend of revelations for me that does not mystical tendency.

me overcome my procrastination and moderate the effects of a futile quest for women's entelechy. This inner conflict has gone, I hope, address the great opportunities that you could give me. My carnal needs of you will be a critical element, and I guess in you the potential waiting to blossom.
Yours, too, telling me without makeup what you expect and hope to me. The sweetness of
intoxicating melody, melancholy disturbing moments shared, and here I am sliding into slumber, lulled by the pitch rail ...
To thee, my dear, for the better. ************
April 24, 1996.
lil Muse, Sander sweet

A little present for you in the touching tribute to all things that thou hast written. I hope that the fall of the dedication that I've written in this book does not shock you ... This is a knavery easy, but a treat for you real.
Due to time constraints, I can register all the good you do to me ... but know that my thoughts go out to you intently. I embrace you very tenderly
my sweet ...
[Dedication in a copy of Heim and large picnickers.]
"To you my Sander,
This collection of vitriolic texts, cheerful, boisterous and incisive; Heim picnickers and large runs against the world of "snail" that hates you ... Very tenderly
... If you dare ... ... Your sweet picnickers with his love. " ************
5:25 p.m. Thursday, April 25, Au. I take the train from 7:12 p.m. to Marle-sur-Serre via Paris to Laon. Tomorrow, departure for Limoges, where stands a book fair for three days. I find Madeleine Chapsal who has very kindly agreed to preface a reference book on the Limousin that we will repeat. We take this important cultural event (500 guest authors, 100,000 visitors expected) to start the subscription of this book.
costs of the sponsors, I am treated, are supported by the city of Limoges (train, hotel, catering).
My weekend was wonderfully spent with Sander. Discovery of a small piece of lovely young woman who possess the key qualities I look for in a girl.
She exudes intelligence, integrity, rigor and the fizzing. All his behaviors are sweet to me. Her sensuality and fulfillment to come point to a fundamental balance in terms of flesh.
Since my return to the North, its letters are really inflamed. I think I can consider a very serious relationship and very happy with my Sander embers. Finally, this happiness in love, could I meet him? ************
trains to Limoges, April 26, 1996
Sander, my beloved,
In my big black binder, folder with the five special cards and letters received since Monday, and the need to answer you.
Just before my departure, I find in my mailbox a package already familiar. Thank you my beloved Sander for this beautiful book and for his loving dedication. My luggage is already full, could not welcome him, but I hasten to discover the history of the capital of Gaul on my return.
I gave your photo taken at the Chateau de Blois to reproduce in two copies: one to cut up my wallet and one for my album. Thus, between your figure and your writings, you come with me every moment.
Sander my lovely, the alchemy of your passionate words, the freshness of your caring exclamations, momentum unambiguously each of your sentences fill me with happiness long hoped.
I will again devote myself to one of my greatest pleasures answer your many questions. Dispel your anxieties underlying is also a duty.

I would indeed that this mutual approach, where the merger would be like an ever-changing horizon, reveals our lives, our sufferings, our thoughts, our existential salience. Sander beautiful, I want you in everything you is, in your most unspeakable secrets in the sedimentation of your soul and your past in your body to tame ...
Do not think I am reduced to one of your dreams. I am every day, more rooted in your life. Persecutor, yes, for our love handles most intoxicating colors. These "seeds of love," as you write it, have nothing to shoot ephemeral. LIke the blue cedars we saw my Sander, and the years make us beautiful.
My desire for you is revealed as the body, to exult your dens, drink all your cups, you warm my body and my fluid ... Correspondence with you rascal might be a way to maintain our carnal fires ... dualistic and pleasure should also be embodied in speeches and writings. We are going to be one to another, we do not deny what is an important element of our relationship. Geography us distance, but we live by our emotions this way forever. Each
opening your envelopes provided me a good extra, and that three to four times that I read your little letter writing music. Gestures and words, your wisdom will remain that of your human integrity, your professionalism and your morality. Our revels with rimeront selflessness.
I will take this weekend's Book I lulled by your favorite poets.
is the will to finding the muse of my life that inspire me at the highest point in his life, his soul and body. The existence of absolute flap research ... But maybe I would join you for this focus ...
[How does your "carnal need" for me will be there a "decisive factor"?]
I am a born rascal, a greedy and sensual pleasures of sex, and I always had to curb my instincts: whether the girl was less saucy than me, whether I wanted to do enough, or that the ephemeral nature of the relationship deprived of any essential respect. With you, I feel that these three points will not interfere and that higher dimension embraces our ablaze.
I begin to feel a kind of enchantment of charge. Your presence, whatever its form (you can also register tapes of your voice) is becoming essential to the balance of my days. Your body remains for me in a cloud at night, but what I tasted I'm already hooked ...
[I see you often, the wait is difficult. Why do not you reside in Lyon? (Smiles)]
The distance is certainly annoying, but I want you finish your studies. Come you moving to Lyon in Paris, beyond the daily happiness, would not help us in the tasks we have to do. I know you're joking, but I also know that we both deeply desire this life together ... I try to some sanity in all this, hehe! And the fierce preservation of your independence?
[Do you miss our hugs? Have you no limits in the sheets of your alcoves? Have you ever written love letters?]
Yes I miss your hugs, dance with your curves, the mother of your legs, velvet wet and burning of your mouth and your pussy, little squeals you reserve me ... Oh, oh, it calms down ...
point limit in our alcove, except that of our own pleasures ... We have so much to discover together ... is the work of a lifetime. I hope that reading these lines you will perceive the dissipation of my uncertainties.
I personally have little writing love letters ... I am instinctively more inclined to déconnage or literary reflection ... But I'm changing, thanks to you.
[Only your inner turmoil make you afraid of?]
I think you have grasped: it's me that I must be wary, not of you, but I know my ability to direct me in a state of growth. If there are any concerns or doubts, thou shalt the first informed. My train
happening now in Vierzon. I hope to have you reassured about my addiction and find you in my arms soon.
I will resume the interrupted Memoirs of François Mitterrand, started yesterday on my trip to Paris from Laon and very exciting. The policy is not really in my heart, but the destiny of man, his carnal love for France and stature as a statesman he has gained me reconcile with him whom I dubbed in my columns, my faith a bit emotionally, mité Fanfan.
that, I still think of you, Sander my beloved. Of burning kisses. ************
April 29, 1996
[Map Harvest Table with Karl Francois Daubigny]

Sander Braised
Back in the old walls of the National, I have with me your delicious and very pretty red card to the node. Without writing you again last Friday (not included) I began to be missing.
Small rural landscape to remind you of our wanderings in the burgeoning nature.
I think I can come on Friday, May 8
Kisses greedy. ************
Laon, April 30, 1996
[Map with Table The meridian (after Millet) Vincent Van Gogh ]
A desire hay with you my beloved Sander (not a word, heh heh)? Perhaps have 'ben. I return to the fold and I'll put a boost in the writing of my memory. Limoges
we received like princes, but I felt a little lonely without my beautiful Lyon. A touch of blue for you, the antithesis of Winds gogues of my columns.
Tenderly. ************
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